Tuesday, February 19, 2013

THE STATE OF THE UNION, as seen from Wisconsin.
PRESIDENT NARCISSISM celebrates president’s day with a picture of … himself!
WOW! A WHOLE 27%: Democrats Push U.S. Satisfaction Up to 27%.
PAUL GREENBERG on the nomination of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense. He's agin it.
OBAMA ISN'T YOUR DADDY; he's your employee. Get it right.
NATIONAL RIGHT-TO-CARRY: Reciprocity bill goes back to Congress for a second try.
WASHINGTON POST 'journalist' (almost) connects the dots. In M*A*S*H Goes to Maine, it was called a Goofus test.
OBAMACARE steamrolls conservatives. Not really; Obamacare steamrolls everyone. Only conservatives care.
KOCH BROTHERS tried to start the Tea Party in 2002. It's a stupid assertion by the liberal clowns, but even if true, what difference does it make? Who cares?
CALIFORNIA is becoming less family friendly? Actually, I'd call it becoming more human hostile.
SO MUCH FOR GLOBAL WARMING: Coal use is up everywhere but in the United States.

We need to export less coal and more environmentalists....
IN AN EARLIER POST I linked to an IRS estimate of $20,000 for the most inexpensive ObamaCare family health plan. Looking back, here's an old post from 2009 that has an 'absurd' estimate of $25,000 for a family of four.

Trust the numbers; not the politicians.
FEDS SPEND $7 on elderly for every $1 on kids. Except that Wonkblog's Figure 2 shows about a 4:1 ratio, and actually, when total (e.g., including state) funding is considered, the ratio is closer to 2 to 1. Education, after all, is primarily a state function.

But the real question is "So? What's your point?" But then, to the kiddies at Wonkblog, maybe it isn't completely obvious.
THE DEMOCRATS should start working on a budget that assumes the(ir) full sequester happens on schedule.
WHAT HAPPENS TO TEEN UNEMPLOYMENT when the minimum wage is raised?

It goes up. What's so difficult for liberals to understand about a fact that is absolutely unremarkable?
COMMENT OF THE YEAR: "The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living."

From my email (naturally).

From my email.
COLORADO SCHOOL DISTRICTS are quietly taking up arms.
WHERE NOT TO USE hair removal cream.
OBAMA ADMINISTRATION to push for 10 year project to create human brain map. For liberals, a blank sheet of paper should do.
OBAMA: the farce is strong in this man.