Thursday, July 23, 2020

REST IN PEACE: Longtime Townhall columnist Mike Adams has died.

RANDOM THOUGHT: If COVID-10 and the BLM riots have taught us anything, it is that government (at all levels) is too big, too intrusive, and totally incompetent.
SO YOU REALLY WANT VOTE-BY-MAIL? New Jersey's warning.

Paper ballots. In-person.
THE BABYLON BEE EXPLAINS: How to identify a peaceful protestor.

They do a much better job of explanatory journalism than Vox....
I WORRY MYSELF: Deepfakes threaten the 2020 election.

Pay attention. Don't take anything for granted.
CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Texas and Florida (and Georgia, for that matter) are proof that New York was (and still is) an unmitigated disaster.
ANN COULTER: Democrats are the Antifa party.
‘SYSTEMIC RACISM’: The perfect excuse for political failure.
BUT, BUT ... I KNEEL BEFORE YOU: Portland mayor meets with the mob and is told to resign. Mayor Wheeler is a moron who has successfully made the downscale move to imbecile.
DRS. FAUCI (NIH) AND REDFIELD (CDC) need to be fired and their respective institutions #canceled. These HealthScareTM 'professionals' are determined to make the United States a health nirvana where the Days of Wine & Roses will last forever.
AND WHERE WERE THE POLICE? Leftist violence in Denver.
