Wednesday, November 27, 2013

REDISTRIBUTION is something Democrats believe in. Private property is private only if the government owns it.

Something I noticed long ago in our National Parks.
HEH: "The Obama administration has privately encouraged health-care advocacy groups to limit promotion of next week to reduce an influx of traffic when the site becomes fully operational."

Nothing like telling Americans that 'fully operational' means one customer at a time. Go get in line....

UPDATE: Don't enroll, please.
VERONIQUE DE RUGY: Debunking the myth that ObamaCare has already cut healthcare costs. One simple chart:

THE UNTOLD STORY of what happens when 'Dirty Jobs' meets 'angry acronyms':
The hidden cost of compliance is so hidden — I don’t know how big it is, but the people I talk to over and over, every single industry — from big, heavily regulated industries like mining to all forms of construction — it’s crushing.

I did a special called ‘Safety Third,’ because the whole ‘safety first’ mentality was creating a kind of counterintuitive — it was fostering complacency, at least on my crew. And so all of the mandatory things, all of the compulsory meetings, everything we had to do wound up making us less safe. And so that became a thing.
Read it all.
OBAMA DONORS want him to 'basically nullify Congress'. Wait, hasn't he already done that?
ALMOST 80 MILLION with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled.

Could? Will.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON examines the fundamental axioms of the Progressive 'reality world'.
AL GORE GOES VEGAN. Probably to increase his greenhouse gas (methane) emissions.
BULLET TRAIN hits brick wall. Only pieces remain.
EXPECTED: Confusion surrounds Iran nuke deal. Let's hope Congress can pressure him enough to toughen the sanctions.
YOU MIGHT LOSE YOUR DOCTOR, but don't blame ObamaCare. Blame the insurer for complying with ObamaCare's regulations instead.
I'LL DO WITHOUT INSURANCE before I'll do without cigarettes: "ObamaCare may have backfired in its goal of making smoking so expensive that users quit, public health experts say, as sky-high insurance premiums force smokers to drop coverage altogether."

Another collision between the real world and the 'reality world'.
BREAKING NEWS: Turkey to be pardoned today. No, not the President, the Presidential turkey.
OLD PROMISE: will be fully operational by November 30th. New Promise: will, er, work better than it did by December 1!
TECH TOPICS: Athlete’s Cap Sends Out Alerts About Head Injuries. I can see it all now: tort lawyers on the sidelines while the referee checks his wireless tablet after every play....
SMART. REALLY, REALLY SMART: First we force insurers to cancel our health insurance policies, then we pay them to un-cancel them. In terms of brains, the Obama administration is five beers short of a six-pack.

At least five beers....
BOEING SOLICITS BIDS for 777X production site: Alabama, California, Missouri, South Carolina, Texas and Utah are among the interested states. The Seattle machinists union must be getting a bit nervous about now.