Friday, June 22, 2012

"THE BIG TRAP of multiculturalism is simply this: If all cultures are equal, why defend your own? The culture that replaces it will be just as good, won’t it?"
CONN CARROLL: Now unions will have to work for their members to remain relevant. No longer will working for Democrats be sufficient.
LEFT WHINES: [Supreme] Court Rules in Chamber’s Favor in EVERY CASE DECIDED So Far This Term. It couldn't possibly be because the Chamber of Commerce is correct, could it? No, of course not; it's because the Right is evil.
FIGHTING BACK: Major lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of Dodd-Frank. Thanks, Texas.
LIBERALS CAN'T HELP BEING JERKS: Activists photographed flipping bird to Reagan portrait at White House.

Somewhere, some place, there's got to be a 'no whining' zone for liberals.
OBAMA II FORECAST: "A second Obama term would consist of little other than long drawn out court battles between the Executive Branch and Congress."
BILL CLINTON'S GOOD ADVICE: In 2010, Clinton said "Give us two more years. If it doesn't work, you have another election in just two years. You can vote us out then."

Will do.
NIFTY: New 'Strain Paint' Glows Fluorescent When the Underlying Structure is Stressed.
GASLAND II: Doubling Down on Wrong.
PELOSI: ‘I Could Have Arrested Karl Rove on Any Given Day’. Oh, come now. She could have had a V-8, and would be better off if she had.
SEIU: Employers shouldn't be allowed to pay higher wages than the union contract allows.
LET THE BLOGOSPHERE spike the ball. After all, they're the ones who scored.
MILTON WOLF: A lesson in Obamanomics.

If the video won't load, go here. It seems to be very slow to load.

Note that the 'strong approval' trend is negative. At the moment the 'strong approvals' are moving to the 'mixed reaction' category while 'strong disapproval' is showing a slow but steady increase. The Rasmussen Index is here.
HEH: Obama Should Invoke Executive Privilege On His Economic Agenda.
THE MONEY MACHINE seems to be breaking down. Except on campus.
CALIFORNIA'S bullet train to nowhere is dead.
DON'T MESS WITH little old ladies who habitually carry sharp pointy things.

UPDATE: Knitters win. That was fast; little old ladies are a force to be reckoned with.
JAPAN to restart its nuclear reactors.