Friday, September 19, 2014

BOEING, SPACE-X are winners of NASA 'space taxi' contracts. Boeing is the last of the 'old guard' and Space-X the upstart.
WHY #GAMERGATE MATTERS: As one who is completely outside the gaming community, I'm not terribly interested in the 'scandal' itself, but I did find this Instapundit comment interesting:
The “social justice warrior” crowd isn’t about social justice. It’s about using race-and-gender talk to keep people in their place. In exchange for this, they get to cement their position on one of the lower rungs of the New Class.
'Social justice' is little more than moral preening.
AREN'T THE ROADS CROWDED ENOUGH? Humanoid Robot Nao Learns to Drive Its Own Car.
JEFF JACOBY: An election tsunami?
It’s not hard to understand why so many members of Congress come to regard incumbency much as medieval kings regarded the crown — theirs by divine right. The Economist noted recently that while 30 percent of Europe’s monarchs have been replaced since 2012, less than 4 percent of US House seats are seriously competitive in the November midterms. Kings and queens aren’t as hard to extricate as congressional incumbents.
I'd be happy if there is one, but I won't pin my hopes on it.
WELL, WE ALWAYS KNEW Democrats favor redistribution.
I'M NOT SURPRISED: Faith in the Republican Party's ability to fight terrorism is at an all-time high. But I am somewhat surprised that the Democrats rank as high as they do.

THE DEMOCRATS' "War on Women" has come home to roost.