Sunday, March 11, 2012

56% THINK AMERICA IS OVERTAXED. That's down (!) from 66% two years ago. Is that a result of Obama's continuously demagoging 'the rich'? Or, as an Instapundit reader suggests, does it represent the declining number of actual taxpayers?
BILL MAHER: Santorum homeschools his kids because he wants them locked up in his “Christian madrassa”. If Maher is a typical example of public schooling, I'd home-school myself.
GOOD NEWS from England's health care system: "If we ever do get single payer, government health care on this side of the Atlantic, we won’t have to worry about all those death panels critics keep warning us about. Given the bureaucratic delays and inefficiencies in the system, patients can be confident that, abused and neglected as they will be in government-run nursing homes, they will die of old age before the death panels ever meet."
NATURALLY: Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan speaks at University of California, Berkeley.
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane. I just paid $61 for a skosh over 15 gallons of regular today. I can now understand why some prefer to stay on welfare to work; the cost of gasoline is so high that low-wage workers probably lose money by working if they have to drive.
DON'T CAMPAIGN while driving. Running over your voters is not a good election strategy. Neither is turning your Mercedes into scrap iron ....

UPDATE: "the first Democrat to throw himself under the bus."
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane: the only 'product' liberal arts graduates seem to be able to produce is whine.
SPLC [SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER] has been an incredibly successful organization. It has consistently solved the poverty problems of its directors....
TAXI MEDALLIONS -- brute protectionism.
A THOUGHT on Daylight Saving Time:

MORE TAXPAYER MONEY wasted to bring 3000 granite countertops to Los Angeles. All in the name of 'art'.
'WE CAN'T WAIT!' Yes, we can.