Wednesday, January 19, 2011

TICK, TICK, TICK: The cost of Obamacare is a time bomb.
The time-bomb nature of Obamacare was presaged by Mitt Romney's health care bill in Massachusetts, which also expanded health insurance coverage by mandating that all individuals buy insurance, prohibiting insurers from dropping customers, and subsidizing the insurance of those with difficulty affording it.

In Massachusetts, these subsidies, mandates and regulations quickly caused health insurance and health care costs to spike, compelling the governor and state legislature to impose cost controls on insurers and providers while raising taxes on the state's residents and businesses.
Repeal passed the House, 245-189, with three Democrats voting for repeal. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor “triple dog dares” Senate Majority leader Harry Reid to bring it to a vote in the Senate.

Reid won't. Coward.

[Update] More here.
BEST SNOW BLOWER EVER: I could sure use one of these; 1-3 inches expected tomorrow.