Thursday, March 12, 2015


MEN WHO hold doors open for women are probably sexist. Gee, and I thought it was just (un)common courtesy.

If I owned a store selling ‘fainting couches’ I’d be a billionaire....

ADDED: Instapundit has an apropos comment.
IS HILLARY blundering her way to a more mainstream Democrat party? Not that I think Jim Webb is a particularly good candidate, but he certainly does represent the more moderate wing of the party.
BARACK OBAMA: A man for the ages. The 'enlightened' (heh) ages....
SUBPOENA HILLARY’S SERVER: Hillary’s server? Unless they can show receipts proving the Clintons themselves paid for the server, installation, maintenance, etc., I think we have to assume the government footed the bill. That means the server is government property, not Hillary’s. Simply have the Secret Service go to NY and take it back.

And supply them with a NSA-certified (heh) server.
FEMINIST NARCISSISM: aggressive feminist narcissism.