Monday, April 04, 2016

A GRAVE INJUSTICE: New Jersey bans Catholic Church from selling grave markers on its own cemetaries.

No union for churches....
THE NEW DARK AGES ON CAMPUS: How protestors, professors, and administrators are consciously working to destroy free thought and free expression at America’s universities.

Linked from this Instapundit post.
HOW FAST THE FALL: How the world’s first Syrian astronaut became a refugee.
MAKE IT COST REAL MONEY: How to improve Twitter and destroy the curse of left-wing virtue signaling.
THE PLEASURES OF FLYING: coffins have more legroom.
GLENN REYNOLDS (INSTAPUNDIT): Clinton acolytes can't seem to grasp that Beltway-insider status doesn't exempt from prosecution.
On March 29th, 130 years ago, John Pemberton of Atlanta brewed the first batch of Coca-Cola. The drink was the culmination of 20 years of research he had done in order to kick the addiction to morphine which he had acquired after being wounded in the Civil War. Its medicinal value was miniscule, and Pemberton tragically sold the rights to his invention to his business partners before dying in poverty two years later, still an addict.
Taken from the Washington Examiner's morning newsletter last week.
AVIATION: NASA says it will build a quieter supersonic passenger jet.
THE FIRST RULE of the GOP convention is that there are no rules. But if the 'no Trump ever' faction of the Republican establishment handpicks a nominee, it will mean the end of the Republican party.

Not that that is necessarily a bad thing.
NEW YORK TIMES: Don't Privatize Air Traffic Control. Here's the nut graf:
The bill could also disrupt the F.A.A.’s work to increase the nation’s flight capacity and reduce delays.... But the agency has taken longer and spent more than it expected. Mr. Shuster and his colleagues have pointed to this as a rationale for privatization, but they conveniently ignore the problems private companies often have with such large technical projects.
Hmm. I seem to recall a recent 'large technical project' the federal government took on -- called ObamaCare. How'd that work out?
TECHNOLOGY: Metallic mesh becomes invisible to antenna signals. It's not an 'invisibility cloak' -- yet.
JUST THINK, I was granted a PhD for learning this (among other things). Be sure to read the comments; they're hilarious.
PIERS MORGAN: Listen to Trump. They must not have Kool-Aid in Britain...
OBAMACARE UPDATE: Fewer insurers, higher costs. Anyone surprised?
FLINT, MICHIGAN: Democrat candidates flail Republican Governor for crisis of Democrats' own making.

Their hypocrisy has no limits.