Thursday, January 28, 2010

THE STATE OF THE UNION as translated by a Don Surber reader:
Hope and change, blah, blah, blah, False choice, yada, yada, yada, Deficit reduction, uh, Let me be clear, blah, blah, yada, yada, Make no mistake, uh, uh, Unprecedented, blah, uh, yada, uh, This isn’t about me, I, I, I, Hitting the reset button, uh yada, blah, yada, Reaching out to the other side of the aisle, uh, blah, yada, yada, Failed policies of the past, uh, uh, I, Teachable moment, blah, blah, blah, Tax cuts, I, uh, I, uh, Transparency (pause for applause) Accountability, yada, yada, uh, Stimulus uh, Shovel-ready jobs, yada, yada, I, Green jobs, blah, blah, I, uh, Saved or created, uh, I, blah, yada, yada, Recovery!!! (pause for applause) Jobs funded, uh, I, uh, It won’t happen overnight, yada, yada, yada, Progress!!! (pause for applause) Cynics, blah,. blah, blah, As I’ve said before, uh, uh, Acted stupidly, yada, yada, blah, blah, Back from the brink!!! (pause for applause) No longer a Christian country, yada, yada, yada, Non-defense, non-discretionary budget freeze, blah, blah, I, I, I, uh, Salary freeze for WH and political appointees, yada, yada, yada, Tax cuts and credits aimed at the middle and working classes!!! (pause for applause) Education funding, blah, blah, blah, I, I, Call for Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell repeal,, uh, uh, I, uh, Call for amnesty, uh, I uh, Call for legislative attack on the financial industry!!!! (pause for applause)…….. Thank You CLEVLAND,,,, GOOD NIGHT!!!!
It’s about what I heard, too.
iPAD INTRODUCED: I agree with the Instapundit link that it sounds more like a feminine hygiene product.
NOSTALGIA: When Ronald Reagan was president, we also had Bob Hope and Johnny Cash.

Now we have Obama, no Hope and no Cash.
WHY THE HIMALAYAN GLACIERS DIDN’T MELT: all the hot air went to Copenhagen.
GIVING DORKS a bad name.
IT’S THE ARROGANCE, STUPID. "Scott Brown won [in Massachusetts] because American citizens everywhere, even in the bluest of blue states, are fed up with arrogance in public life."

Arrogance isn't unique to the Democrats. The Republican establishment should beware as well; the Tea Party movement is bipartisan.
THE WAR against suburbia.

[T]he war against suburbia reflects a radical new vision of American life which, in the name of community and green values, would reverse the democratizing of the landscape that has characterized much of the past 50 years. It would replace a political economy based on individual aspiration and association in small communities, with a more highly organized, bureaucratic, and hierarchical form of social organization.

In some ways we could say forced densification could augur in a kind of new feudalism, where questions of land ownership and decision making would be shifted away from citizens, neighbors, or markets, and left in the hands of self-appointed “betters.” This seems strange for an administration—and a party—whose raison d’ĂȘtre ostensibly has been to widen opportunities rather than constrict them.

Indeed it is one of the oddest aspects of contemporary “progressive” thought that it seeks to undermine even modest middle class aspirations such as living in a quiet neighborhood or a single-family house. This does not seem a winning way to build political support across a broad spectrum of the populace.

Of course suburbia is not and will not be the option for everyone.... But unless we see a radical change in human behavior and social organization, the majority will likely settle for a suburban or exurban existence.
It's a long article, but ... read it all.

Via Instapundit.
MASSACHUSETTS 2010: a real tea party?

But did Barack Obama and Co. get it? And if he did, will he act on it, and think again on the course that has just been soundly repudiated by voters in the Bay State? ... Has he grasped how deeply he has stirred the voters' passions -- and this time not in his favor? There is still time for him to change. Will he?
The State of the Union was last night. He didn't learn.
IT’S NOT the Obama White House?

Scott Adams is rarely wrong, but he may have missed on this one.