Wednesday, May 14, 2014

THE NEXT OBAMACARE LIE: If you like your [employer-sponsored] health plan, you can keep your [employer-sponsored] health plan.
THE HOLOCAUST REVISITED -- An open thank you note to Ed Schultz. MSNBC, naturally.
VOX(DOT)COM EXPLAINED: These are the 'toughest questions' the 'smartest thinkers' are explaining. (And by the way, VOX, there are 168 hours in a week; what are those 'working mothers' doing in their 63 hours of free time?)
THREE QUARTERS of ObamaCare enrollees were previously insured.

Now they're paying more for the privilege of being insured less.
THE TERRIBLE TRUTH about income inequality.
Washington corruption -- in the pattern of Vladimir Putin -- is driving inequality and sinking family incomes. Higher taxes may catch your family doctor in the near future but politicians will still find a way to exempt their supporters among the very wealthy.

Politicians offering ordinary voters a free ride on taxes, subsidized health care and other enticements are really picking their pockets by giving the country away to the oligarchs.
It's not capitalism; it's cronyism -- aided by a powerful, but corrupted, government.
THE ONLY REASON WHITE MALES ARE ADMITTED: “If I understand college administrators correctly, colleges are hotbeds of racism and rape that everyone should be able to attend.”

Someone has to be the scapegoat.
COLORADO GUN-GRABBERS smoking their own (newly legal) product. There's a reason why it's called 'dope'.

Covered with a heavy dose of bureaucratic arrogance, incompetence, and ass-covering.
OBAMA FACES LIBERAL ANGER: The poor guy can't even keep his own people happy.

Usually when both sides are pissed off, it's a sign that you're doing something right. With Obama though, it's simply more proof of massive incompetence.
THE ICE IS MELTING. THE ICE IS MELTING! Yes ... in about 1,000 years.
BOKO HARAM: because of climate change disruption U.S. oil greed.

Of course.
YES, YOU CAN land on a dime.
LIBERAL WRITER on 'The Unbearable Whiteness of Liberal Media'. Instapundit takes note: "[L]ooking down on other white people from less-elite backgrounds is one of the ways these folks make up for their shrinking salaries and influence."
BERNIE SANDERS (SOCIALIST-VT) declares Koch brothers responsible for Veterans Administration scandal. If the Koch brothers were even (1/100)th as powerful as the idiots Democrats claim, we'd be living in a conservative/libertarian paradise.

As a side note, I saw - for the first time ever - the Wall Street Journal's Jason Riley on Fox's Special Report connect the VA scandal to the massive ObamaCare incompetence. The connection is completely 'obvious to the most casual observer' (as I used to think as an engineer when asked idiotic questions by my customers) but has never, not once, been mentioned in any of the mainstream media sources I'm aware of.
FROM THE SCOREKEEPER (#9): "At 108, he is what every American should aspire to be: Independent, self-reliant and armed."
NORTH CAROLINA MAN fends off pistol-wielding home invader with AR-15.
Responding to a friend who suggested that he should have fired 30 rounds to protect himself, Haith [replied] that he “only needed one [shot] well placed”.

“Ammo is too high.”
THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU THINK YOU'RE 'ENTITLED': Longtime congressman John Conyers (D-MI) doesn't qualify for primary ballot.

Self-importance is not real importance.
BYRON YORK: Democrats mistake 8 million sign-ups as happiness with Obamacare.

Just because I sign up for service with the only cable company in town doesn't mean I'm happy with it.
STUDY: Shorter men live longer. That's because it's easier for us to stay out of the line of fire....
“[D]URING THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 2011 TO MARCH 2014, there have been slightly more single-family housing starts in Houston (95,037) than in California for the entire state (94,993)."

Gee, I wonder why....
ECONOMICS: What Subway Teaches Us About the Minimum Wage.