Saturday, January 26, 2019

SARAH SANDERS: So Hillary will be arrested now right?

God, I hope so.
THE WASHINGTON POST (where Democracy Dies in Darkness): Older, right-leaning Twitter users spread the most fake news.

Have they checked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Twitter account?
I'VE NEVER (YET) FALLEN FOR ONE, but this is a perfect solution.
NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND why the Democrats don't want a wall?

It's time to demand voter registration in person at least 1 week prior to an election, proof of residency on registration, in-person voting with photo ID on election day, paper ballots, and no absentee ballots without adequate reason: sickness, disability, verifiable absence.
A THOUGHT FOR ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ: "Once people decide you are ignorant, it's hard to recover -- just ask Sarah Palin or Dan Quayle. Of course, they were conservatives, so the standards are different."
WHEN IS A CLIMATE MODEL “USEFUL”? Click here for the answer.
THE REAL Spirit of Texas.

Real Texas, not Austin, Texas....
IF YOU CAN’T RELY ON THE GOVERNMENT, why rely on the government?

I like the concept; now let's apply it beyond just TSA.
THE GREEN REAPER mascot the Department of Energy created is not merely ludicrous, it's evil, because the idea is to scare children. Would this propaganda work?
The Grim Reaper is Death. He's scary. You don't want him coming for you. You try to avoid Death as long as you can. The Green Reaper is an environmentalist. He's scary. You don't want him coming for you. Isn't this teaching the kids to avoid environmentalists?
If it truly teaches kids to avoid environmentalists, it'll be a success.
GET READY: California-style elections are coming to your state. Stephen Green over at Instapundit asks the obvious question: "Why bother winning elections the precise, factual, and correct way when you’re morally entitled to victory by any means?"
BOATLOADS OF WORKERS ARE DROPPING OUT OF UNIONS; now Liberals and Democrats (to repeat myself) have a new plan to save their cash cow.
Rather than paying a state employee a salary of $50,000, for example, from which $1,000 in agency fees would be deducted, the bill proposes to simply alter the arrangement on paper so that the employee’s revised salary is $49,000, with the state diverting the remaining $1,000 to the union itself.
If this becomes law, I'll have to increase my popcorn consumption as the lawsuits fly.
DAN BONGINO: Hey, Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, Venezuela's socialism has been a disaster. What say you?
LOOK IN THE MIRROR, CHUCK: Chuck Todd's pretty disappointed in 'those trying to tar all media' after Buzzfeed's bombshell blew up in journolists' faces.
NO WONDER THE LEFT WANTS FREE COLLEGE FOR EVERYONE: it’s the only hope many academics in the humanities have to keep their phony-baloney jobs.
CONFESSIONS of a MAGA hat terrorist.

Well done, MAGAhat Lady!
I'M ABOUT READY TO BUY A MAGA HAT just to spite these child-hating assholes.

Me, too.
ONGOING: Our political-media class is mostly trash, and their “have you no decency” talk is a sham.
MIKE ROWE defends - and encourages - dirty jobs. And he's right. While I most definitely needed an advanced (graduate level) education to pursue my professional career, the doctorate wasn't necessary; it was both a personal triumph and financial loss.

I tend to lean somewhat toward this quote from Lazarus Long:
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, built a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
While I'm nowhere near as good as a 'dirty job' professional, I can do - and have done - carpentry, plumbing, electrical wiring, fencing, ditch digging and many other of the dirty jobs required to keep America running smoothly.

A liberal education is most certainly a nice-to-have (and I encourage it), but it is neither necessary or sufficient for a life well lived.
SCHUMER ON SHUTDOWN: 'Hopefully now the president has learned his lesson'.

I'm sure he has -- to never to trust a Democrat. Get any promise in writing, Mr. President. In blood. And notarized.
ABSOLUTELY NOT. NEXT QUESTION: Does the media deserve to be respected and believed?
ELIZABETH OCASIO-WARREN: Let’s use a “wealth tax” to take a few trillion from the very rich.

I'm sure Alexandria Warren-Cortez will be on-board with Ocasio-Warren's proposal.
POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES: Epidemic Fakery Edition.
This was the week that featured more fakery than a plastic surgeon’s office in Beverly Hills: fake news about high school kids, fake Vietnam War veterans, fake budget votes on Capitol Hill, fake economic conferences in the Swiss alps, fake punts, fake field goals, fake everything. It’s like we’re besieged with motherfakers....
There were too many motherfakers to select just one this week, so I'll leave you with this from the comments
Why is it that the women who dance naked in Waffle House parking lots are never the women you want to see dancing naked in Waffle House parking lots?
before begging you to put your covfefe coffee down before clicking through to see them.
MANY THINK CLIMATE-CHANGE DENIERS “get what they deserve” when disasters strike.

I think if you live in a disaster-prone environment (think midwest tornados, east coast beaches, west coast forests) and don't prepare for the possibility, you're an idiot, not a climate-change denier.