Thursday, October 27, 2011

THE 2012 CAMPAIGN BEGINS: Homeland Security Adviser Allegedly Leaked Intel to Attack Rick Perry.
DANA MILBANK: Diminished Democrats. I wonder if they understand why they're diminished. I doubt it.
RESEARCHER warns of stink bug invasion in Georgia. Good. I had my fill of them last year. May they have happy homes in warmer climes ....
ANN COULTER: If I Were a Liberal.
JAMES O'KEEFE: 'To Catch A Journalist'. More at Ace of Spades.
OCCUPY WALL STREET: the rise of Obamavilles.
WHAT AN IMAGE: Freeloaders sick of feeding other freeloaders.
TABLECLOTH TRICK: don't try this at home!
MIKE ADAMS: diversification by merger.
OBAMA'S JOBS MACHINE: more regulation creates more jobs. Sure it does -- for the nannies.

We have too many of them already.
IN RESPONSE to a Washington Post article about the Keystone XL oil pipeline, Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA) wrote:
The pipeline editorial rests on the premise that this carbon-intensive fuel will get to market with or without Keystone XL. But this is highly questionable. There are multiple legal and political hurdles before a large pipeline could be built to Canada's west coast, including unified opposition from more than 70 First Nations with aboriginal land and water rights in the pipeline and tanker routes. That is why Alberta's energy minister said in June that without new pipelines "our greatest risk in Alberta is that by 2030 we will be landlocked."

What is certain is that if the pipeline is built across the United States, the life-cycle carbon emissions of our fuel supply will increase significantly. This year's weather disasters underscore the folly of such a policy. We should be cutting carbon pollution to protect American families from irreversible climate change, not increasing our reliance on the dirtiest source of oil available.
So it's okay to kill jobs in Canada as well as the U.S. to protect us from ourselves.
WHERE'S WALDO? PJ Media Finds Gunwalker’s ‘Unreachable’ Man in the White House. Well, the phone number indicates he's within easy driving distance of the White House ....
RICHARD DAWKINS: ‘Jesus Would Have Been an Atheist if He Had Known What We Know Today’. Probably true if he were as 'well educated' as Dawkins.
THANK YOU, but we'd rather do it ourselves. Leaders of private space companies testified before a congressional committee on their relationship with NASA, and they weren’t happy. The space execs say the contract NASA has written to cover their crew-carrying spacecraft is too vague, too intruding, and too slow—and SpaceX threatened to drop out altogether.
SUPER COMMITTEE REMINDER: Feds Increased Spending by 29% in Last Four Years. Almost three of those 4 years were under the Obama administration.
AN ANALYSIS of Perry's flat-tax and Medicare plans. I want to see more, but my first impression is positive.
AN INTERESTING ARTICLE on religion and the environment.
FROM THE "Why am I not suprised?" department: Food taxes more about milking consumers than helping them.
BECAUSE IT'S NOT THEIR MONEY. Why Politicians Lose So Much Money Trying To Pick Winners.
NO FOOLIN': "Obama is an Alinskyite divider, by choice."
RANDOM THOUGHT: our regulatory nanny state is determined to make it so safe it will be damn near impossible to do anything.