Monday, August 20, 2012

REPORT: Muslim Brotherhood ‘Crucifies’ Opponents. If this report is literally true, then I think the West is rapidly being reduced to two, perhaps three, options with respect to the Middle East:

1) Colonization;
2) Coventry; or
3) Annihilation.

Colonization's been tried before, mostly unsuccessfully if one looks that nation-states that were former colonies. Coventry -- that is, embargo -- is the current option du jour, and it doesn't appear promising based on recent history. That leaves the third option -- total destruction of a nation's military capability -- which the Israelis appear to be seriously considering with respect to Iran.

Personally, I suspect the end result being forced on the West will be a combination of 2) and 3): attack Iran, Syria, and possibly others, destroy their governments, infrastructure, and military capability in toto (literally to bounce the rubble) and then walk away, putting a strong embargo in place to prevent any other nation from helping them rebuild.

Unfortunately the Islamic extremists seem to be wedded to the strong horse theory, so the strong horse may yet be forced to demonstrate its true strength.
HARRY R. JACKSON, JR.: Same-Sex Marriage Thought Police?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Activists would have us believe that the issue of marriage is about the “rights” and “equality” of homosexuals. But in reality, the push to redefine marriage is about demanding public approval and celebration of homosexuality. There is a difference. Slot machines are legal in some areas, but if the COO of Chick-fil-a had expressed a personal disapproval of gambling, would slot-machine supporters have demanded a boycott of his restaurants? What about smokers? Would they have lambasted Dan Cathy for expressing that he personally does not approve of smoking?

No. Because at the end of the day, gamblers want the right to gamble, and smokers want the right to smoke cigarettes. Both groups, however, have accepted the fact that not everyone approves of their choice to do these things.
For progressives, though, if you disagree or disapprove, you must be hateful or evil. For them, it's always about control.
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATH EDUCATION: It's all about process and polish, not progress. What happened to that old Nike slogan 'Just do it!'?
WHAT DIDN'T HAPPEN on Obama's campaign bus trip through Iowa.
I think we’ve all had quite enough of government and other organizations telling us what constitutes a fulfilling life.

Longevity is merely one dimension of a life, and there is no evidence that any of the would-be nannies can extend life or prevent death. Health is another, and so is adventure, victory in physical tests, intellectual accomplishment, business success, political success, etc., etc., etc.!!!

We all deserve to receive accurate risk information, but the choice is OURS!! As long as you are not interfering with other people’s choices, NOBODY else has the right to dictate how you ought to live.

So if someone chooses a risky profession that he enjoys, or a profession like football which has huge rewards and health risks, it is his right to be LEFT ALONE to “spend his life” as he chooses.
Taken from this Hot Air post. Unfortunately, as is becoming more and more obvious, the nanny-staters -- both in and out of government -- have decided that we can't be trusted to evaluate risks and make our own decisions as to what constitutes a fulfilling life.

It's time for them to butt out.

Taken from this article.
GOOD QUESTION: Who Will Receive Obama's Next Handout?
“THE MARKET has not been what everybody anticipated it to be with electric vehicles.” Of course 'everybody' means the greenies.
DEMOCRATS TO ROMNEY: You're not following our script!

Neither are our seniors.

HOW TO ESCAPE THE TAX MAN: Weigh anchor. And it doesn't just apply to yachts.