Saturday, October 05, 2019

THESE AREN’T NORMAL TIMES. This country won’t be saved by a “normal” President.
GUN LAW: the hard road not (yet) taken.
AMMO GRRRLL: We can't give up!
We can’t give up because we owe it not just to our children and grandchildren to fight, but to the ones who came before who pledged their lives and treasure in order to bequeath us the miracle of opportunity and liberty we have inherited.
Now read the rest.
BERNIE SANDERS should be grateful we don't have 'Medicare for All'.

The cartoon is here.
AFTER CALLING LOBBYING ‘LEGALIZED BRIBERY’ Elizabeth Warren hires a lobbyist.

It's only legalized bribery if Republicans do it....
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Unusual times call for unconventional leadership.
California’s for-hire backfire.

But don't worry, Democrats have a solution: everyone works for the government.