Thursday, July 26, 2012


I'd strongly recommend young Mr. Sarlin delve into the history of the internet. Not only did his idol Al Gore not invent the internet, neither did the government. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) certainly did have a hand in developing the data protocols for sending binary data over telephone lines, but the development of the commercial internet was at best not hindered by our far-seeing, all-knowing government interlocutors.

UPDATE & BUMP: Here's more on the government 'invention' of the internet.
DEMOCRATS GO Thelma and Louise on U.S. Economy. I'd applaud if it were limited to Democrats.
NASA: the sky is falling. As it does every 150 years or so. For the environmental movement, it's as if nothing ever happened to the Earth pre-satellite era.
WHAT THE ??? Federal regulators can't talk to the industries they're regulating?
[T]he Administrative Procedures Act, longstanding federal law that governs the process by which federal agencies make rules for the industries they regulate, is very strict about when and how officials may share their thinking about future regulations.

“Under the Administrative Procedures Act, we cannot discuss what a proposed regulation might look like, and so that kind of hinders us in talking to industry,” Melroy said.

So even as AST prepares to tap industry experts for their take on launch, flight and passenger safety, the office has set certain ground rules to avoid running afoul of the law.

“We can’t propose anything, we can’t tell people what we think the answer is, or anything like that,” Melroy said. “But we can tee up a subject and then let people talk to us, and that will help us understand if we’re on the right track or not.”
No expertise required ....
COULDN'T HAPPEN TO NICER PEOPLE: Thanks to the unsolved foreclosure crisis, Obama campaign workers are having trouble identifying Obama voters.
ANN COULTER: "[T]he United States is on its way to becoming a Third World, one-party state."
"THE MINNESOTA SUPREME COURT ruled Wednesday that a Duluth-based aircraft manufacturer had no legal duty to provide training for a pilot who died along with a passenger in a 2003 crash."

Requiring one to take responsibility for his/her own actions -- what a novel idea....
UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES: Medicaid Patients, Not Uninsured, Crowd Emergency Rooms.

SEVEN HABITS of highly ineffective government. Inspiration and perspiration not included.
BUH-BYE: The End of Limitless Data?
OF COURSE IT ISN'T POLITICAL: Congressmen question FAA over Massachusetts wind project. It seems to me that the FAA made the correct (technical) decision on Cape Wind, but of course nothing is non-political in these days of unlimited government power.
WALTER E. WILLIAMS: Tyrants and Human Nature.
THEY'LL TURN US ALL INTO BEGGARS 'cause they're easier to please: No more work requirement for welfare recipients.