Thursday, December 13, 2018

GOODYEAR SHUTS DOWN IN VENEZUELA; gives tires as severance.

Funny how bad luck seems to follow progressives everywhere....
KURT SCHLICHTER: Don’t underestimate dumb voters’ appetite for idiot leftist politicians.
YOU FIRST, AL: Rep. Al Green [D(umb)-TX] hints he’ll move to impeach Trump for ‘bigotry’.

More proof Democrats are insane.
MICHAEL COHEN: Convicted of not breaking the law.
INCOMING NY ATTORNEY GENERAL vows to make a laughingstock of her office.

She's a Democrat; it shouldn't be difficult.
JAMAL KHASHOGGI is the right Time Person of the Year. But ...
Let’s remember that before he fled to the US a year before he was cruelly murdered in Istanbul, Khashoggi became rich working for a Saudi royal family that was, and remains, among the world’s worst persecutors of journalists. He edited government-controlled Saudi newspapers, which are without exception regime propaganda outlets, and headed TV news channels that were owned by Saudi princes.

Then he outdid himself by working as a media adviser to a senior Saudi prince in London and Washington. He embraced with unbridled enthusiasm his role of justifying Saudi regime atrocities in the Western media. He even denied on the BBC that anyone was ever tortured in Saudi Arabia.
For those posturing politicians on TV every day, let's be clear: Saudi Arabia is no paradise, and Jamal Khashoggi was no angel.
BETO FOR PRESIDENT: “Dems love a Kennedy. Beto might not have the pedigree, but he has the requisite driving skills.”
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON on international disequilibrium in trade, religious freedoms, and immigration.
A THOUGHT for Democrat presidential wannabes Cory Booker and Kamala Harris: if you see racism everywhere you look maybe you're the racist.
ON GOOGLE'S COMMITMENT to diversity and inclusion: Every minority/victim group in exact proportion to their percentage in the general population provided, of course, they all hew to the same progressive 'philosophy'.
TUCKER CARLSON explains the Democrats' commitment to impeach President Trump.
Trump’s a criminal! He’s going to jail! For committing a smaller version of the same made-up crime that we in Congress have committed for years and forced you to pay for. By the way, we’re never apologizing for that, because we don’t have to and CNN isn’t going to make us. Screw you, America, and your stupid election. We’re in charge.
Because he's a Republican.
CALIFORNIA wants to tax text-messaging. "Please do this California government. It just might make millennials start to vote Republican."