Monday, November 25, 2019

GOOD LORD, do the Democrats go out and actively search for crazy?
REPUBLICANS SHOULD RELAX. Democrats are doing everything possible to secure another four years for President Trump.

Republicans, don't get overconfident, but sell the Democrats all the rope they need to hang themselves.
FIRE THE ADMIRALS to encourage the others.

Well said.
YES, PLEASE: Abolish the Ivy League?

I had originally written this comment as an unlinked 'RANDOM THOUGHT' but it seems more appropriate here: Our 'elite' universities have become nothing more than insane asylums with nuts clamoring to get in. If you're not already insane you won't gain admission (though why any sane person would even bother is beyond me).
IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE: 'Adam Schiff really does think that many Americans are idiots'.
BREAKING: Donald Trump is still President of the United States of America.

Not the Deep State bureaucracy.
HONG KONG DEMOCRACY BACKERS win big as voters flock to polls. Unfortunately it's more symbolic than real.
THAT THE DEMOCRATS ARE INSANE? What we learned from two weeks of impeachment hearings.
YOU DON'T SAY: Socialist politicians can be crooks too.

Not surprised....
DAN RATHER: CNN's 'reliable source'.
TRUMP’S DISRUPTIVE ENERGY versus the Deep State.
With just about any other president, the deep state’s victory would be all-but-assured. With Trump, hedge your bets.
Read it all.
BECAUSE HE'S ENVIOUS: Bernie Sanders really, really, really hates billionaires. He can't really, really, really hate millionaires any more because he is one.

I'd really, really, really like to see Bernie's 2018 and 2019 tax returns - especially the charitable donations sections.
WOMEN CAN MAKE CHILDREN, but only men can make men. True. I would also suggest that it takes men to make women as well.

Linked from Instapundit.