Wednesday, February 19, 2020

MIKE BLOOMBERG just destroyed the Democrat party.
A QUESTION FOR ELIZABETH WARREN: What on earth leads you to believe that I would want my child to go to one of your universal child care indoctrination camps? Even for 'free'?
IN WASHINGTON, D.C., Republicans respond to the Democrats' debate.
COGNITIVE DISSONANCE in a television advertisement: "We're not a discount broker but we'll sell your home for as little as a 2% commission." Um, please explain how you can sell your brokerage services at a discount and not be a discount broker.

[As a retiree, I watch entirely too much television.]
Trump: "I want to keep America great."
Democrats: "We want to defeat Trump."
So far in the Democrat debate there has been nothing about America ... not even much about defeating Trump.
THIS IS A SERIOUS QUESTION? CNN'S Brian Stelter asks "Was I stupid to take Avenatti seriously as possible 2020 candidate?"
CNN'S CHRIS MATTHEWS: Democrats lost 49 states with McGovern and it could happen again with Bernie.

I expect 50; maybe - just maybe - 51 if D.C. comes into play.
NEVERTHELESS, THEY PERSIST: Political pundits have no idea what they’re talking about. Here's why:
Maybe all this ... proves is that elections are strange and complicated, hard to predict and analyze with any certainty. Maybe it's just difficult for upper-class residents of New York City and Washington, D.C., to assess the hearts and minds of average Americans. No one in the political punditry business would ever admit this, however. If it were true, what would be the point of their careers?
Pundits are like Bloomberg: plenty of 'gray matter', no skills whatever. So they're stuck in New York city and Washington, D.C.
MY THOUGHT AS WELL: "At the rate things are going ... Bloomberg may yet emerge as the most awful person in a field of remarkably awful people."
BUT IS BLOOMBERG INTERESTED IN RUNNING ON A HILLARY TICKET? Clinton says she’s not interested in running on Bloomberg ticket.
WATCH AS VICTOR DAVIS HANSON destroys Bloomberg for his ignorant remarks denigrating the skills and intelligence of farmers. Here's the video:

The last 10 seconds is devastating for Mini Mike.
THE AMERICAN WAY: One man's awesome response to a neighbor's complaint about his Trump flag.