Monday, May 29, 2023

NOW IT'S OUR TURN: They fought for us.
Lest we forget.
ON SERVING YOUR COUNTRY: Sacrifice and loss.
ALL GAVE SOME but some gave all.
NEVER TAKE FREEDOM FOR GRANTED: Lee Greenwood ["God Bless the USA"] remembers American heros.
MEMORIAL DAY 2023: Note on a white stone cross.
MEMORIAL DAY at the Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park. Every year on Memorial Day we usually visit one of the national cemetaries; this year we chose instead to visit the civil war battlefield at Chickamouga. The park is quite large and monuments, such as this one
honoring the Georgia war dead are widely spaced throughout the park.

The monuments themselves date back as far as the 1890s. Although funded primarily by state & federal grants, they honor the various state armies and militias and were placed by the surviving civil war veterans themselves at the locations where the battles actually took place in September of 1863.