Saturday, October 08, 2011

OCCUPY WALL STREET: Anarchists for big government. Yes, it's an oxymoron, but the morons protestors are too dumb to recognize it.
IT'S NOT JUST TEXAS ANY MORE: EPA regulations will shut down 28 GW of energy production.

Welcome to brownouts....
WHERE to find drones. Follow both links ....
CATURDAY: relaxing in front of the fire.

Life's a bitch.
I SUPPORT THE THIRD AMENDMENT, and I vote. From the comments:
Funny thing is it’s the third amendment that I use when arguing against Moonbats who rant about how bad it is for corporations to be considered an individual as laid out in Citizens United. I tell them to imagine you own a small business with a nice little store. One day you’re at work and a military officer walks in. He hands you an order signed by George W Bush (always their nemesis) saying that the Army is taking over your store and their are going to use it to house Army troops. Think Citizens United is wrong? Fine- your store has no constitutional rights and all you can do is hand the keys over to the Army officer, go to McDonalds and ask them for a job application.

Long live the Third Amendment!

Of course, in thinking about it, the other claim to fame for the Third Amendment is that it is probably one of only two amendments the ACLU has never defended. The other being the Second.
Too bad it’s not written broadly enough to be of use in eminent domain cases such as Kelo v. City of New London.
OBAMA: Your Neighbors Donated, Why Don't You? I’m pretty sure none of my neighbors donated, so I won’t either.
DOUBLING DOWN on stupid. At least there's some evidence that the Obama administration avoided quadrupling down on stupid.
RIPOSTE: "Thank God."
INTERESTING: Boeing is studying scaled-up variants of the reusable X-37B orbital test vehicle (OTV) for potential delivery of cargo and crew to the International Space Station (ISS) and other low-Earth-orbit destinations.

Other low-Earth-orbit destinations?
DAY BY DAY. That 'truth to power' schtick only seems to work when Republicans are in power.