Monday, December 05, 2022

KURT SCHLICHTER: Elon Musk's big mistake -- he trusted the Left.

But he's learning.
OBAMA TO GEORGIA VOTERS: The GOP is the party of looney tunes. I would remind the former president that it takes one to know one -- it's called projection.
GIVEN THE AMOUNT OF AUTOMATION IN THE B-21 RAIDER, maybe we should know its pronouns instead.
ALSO HORSE DEWORMER INVERMECTIN. Two veterinary drugs may help eliminate bedbugs (and other human misiries).

Maybe we should trade MDs for DVMs. I know my cats get better medical care than I do (and I trust them more.)
ON A SERIOUS NOTE Ammo Grrrll writes on unpayable debts and unsung heroes.
TWITTER'S FORMER 'TRUTH AND SAFETY' POOBAH demonstrates why we are ruled by idiots.

Bat shit crazy idiots at that....
ELON MUSK should tell European Union (EU) censors to bugger off.

I suggest hejust shut Twitter down in the EU. See how long until they fold.
IF I LIVED IN CALIFORNIA I'D IMMEDIATELY IDENTIFY AS BLACK: California 'Reparations Committee' recommends $223k each for state's 'Black' or 'African American' residents.
SAN FRANCISCO’S TOILET OF THE FUTURE lasted three days before a systems failure. "It is the perfect allegory for the Left. Great at generating the you-know-what and lousy at cleaning it up."
IF YOU REALLY WANT to destroy the United States, here's how.
ELIZABETH WARREN accidentally reveals the truth about Twitter before Elon.

Musk simply entered the 'dark room', turned on the light and watched as the vermin scattered....
CITY JOURNAL: The decline of higher education.

Not decline, destruction.
IT WON'T: Anti-Xi protests should end American left’s China envy.
THE DIPLOMAD on Twitter, Trump, Kanye, Fuentes, China, and Britain.

Intelligent thoughts, all.
LIKE GOOD NEIGHBORS, armed citizens are there.
THEY'RE NUTS: Legal gun purchases = slavery?
Whether it is video games, social media, or the regular media; whether it is the general decay of society as a whole or some combination of multiple issues, no one seems to want to tackle the actual problems that lead a person to pick up a gun and commit an atrocity. That would mean admitting that our society is broken and could be, at best, charitably described as dysfunctional. That would mean that a whole host of companies, governments, organizations, and systems that claim to exist for the benefit and edification of the people have failed horribly in their duties.
But if you're a Democrat, everything is racist....
THE BABYLON BEE publishes a hysterical spoof of a college english course description.

Oh, wait ... it's not a spoof.
BIDEN'S LABOR DEPARTMENT wants to put your retirement savings to work for the Left.

Protect yourself.
WATCH THIS VIDEO, and you’ll quickly realize why the establishment is afraid of Italy’s new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.