Friday, December 30, 2011

JOY TO THE WORLD: an election year without Keith Olbermann.
"PERHAPS A DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM can survive having chosen fools as its leaders. But, history shows time and again that a nation of fools is surely doomed."
ESTABLISHMENT SENATE REPUBLICAN: sets himself up for defeat.
VIDEO OF COMET LOVEJOY as it approaches the sun. Apparently the comet survived it's close approach, although much diminished.
FACT CHECK: Unicorns do exist!
MICHAEL BARONE: Obama succeeds abroad when he follows Bush and Clinton. Reality has a way of 'pushing back'. Obama may control the ship of state, but he can't control the seas in which it floats.
JEFF JACOBY: Hurray for gridlock.
PROBLEMS AND THE PROBLEM: an incoherent view of the economy. It's from the Left, naturally.