Tuesday, June 01, 2010

IN A RECENT SPEECH, President Obama declared, “'At some point, I think you’ve got enough money.’ And it’s what he thinks, not what you think, that matters.... There lies – bare as can be – the irrefutable evidence of ... just how serious a threat he is to this nation.”
SIX WEEKS AFTER THE GULF COAST OIL SPILL, some wonder why BP is still in charge of response and cleanup.

The obvious answer is because they’re the only ones with sufficient capability to respond.

Personally, I wonder why BP cares enough to respond. Here’s the counter question: given the governments’ “boot on their neck” why should BP give a rat’s behind whether the oil flows one more day, one more month, one more year? With the Obama administration’s “boot on their neck” attitude – and the threat of civil and criminal indictement even before the well is capped - BP knows that they’ll never make another dime. At best they’ll be the abused “wage slaves” of the U.S. government for the next 20 years, so why should they care? Lesser men would simply declare bankruptcy and walk away.

In a less hostile environment, BP would have tremendous incentive to cap the well and clean up, for every barrel of oil lost is profit lost. In Obama’s fantasy land, not so much.
OIL SPILL tars Democrats' reputation for competence.

They have a reputation for competence?
OBAMA WHITE HOUSE now distancing itself from BP response efforts.

After 4 days of ownership. It’s easier to file criminal charges against someone other than yourself.
FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE and his wife, Tipper, are separating after 40 years of marriage.

Must be "climate change."
A DEMOCRAT I could vote for.
PUBLIC EMPLOYEES — who function without the discipline of markets, and apparently, politics — should not be allowed to unionize.

The linked article is here.
THE CULTURAL CONTRADICTION OF LIBERALISM: ”Democrats insist they’re the party of empowerment. They may admire it in movies. But in real life they’re the party of rules.”

But only if the rules don’t apply to them.
SARAH PALIN DROPS THE ‘F’-BOMB. The Washington Post is in a tizzy because Palin has the effrontery to call herself a feminist.
THE ONION describes my day at the office.

Mark your calendars.

Link here.