Saturday, August 03, 2019

EXPERT WARNING: We have only 12 years left until they change the timeline on global warming again.
The scientific consensus is that roughly 10-12 years from now, the world will be flooded with new doomsday predictions. This can all be avoided if we overhaul the economy and become socialists, according to non-political, unbiased sciencey type guys.
Yes, it's the Babylon Bee.
ROAD TRIP: A picture postcard round every bend.

Plus, there's are plenty of socialist paradises for those of the 'hate America' persuasion.
BE CAREFUL; YOU MIGHT GET WHAT YOU ASKED FOR: So you want Canadian health care?

I'm fine with that so long as Republicans can opt out.
OH MY GOD: White robots are racist.
THE [UNION] ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: Maybe they realize it’s a bad idea to bring this up.
I DIDN'T KNOW THAT: According to the Washington Post, hamburgers are now Russian assets because Donald Trump likes them.
ONLY IF YOU LET THEM: the political power of changing language.
[T]he victim junkies at our state-sponsored Colorado State University have updated their Inclusive Language Guide. This is an arbitrary and ever-changing list of words and phrases they’d like scrubbed from our collective vocabulary.

All I can say is: This list takes the cake as being the craziest, most insane, deranged, demented, and dumb list made by uppity ladies and gentlemen going to war with us normal people in the peanut gallery to gyp us of our speech and sell our freedom down the river.
More absurdity:
All this silliness can’t drive you nuts because, “Originally referring to mental illness, the terms “crazy” and “nuts” referred to people who were often institutionalized against their will.”
Which is adequate proof that mental institutions should be brought back and these loons should be the first occupants....
RANDOM THOUGHT: If you believe healthcare is a human right, you're either a liar or too stupid to be allowed outside without an adult escort.

No one has a 'right' to another's labor - that's called slavery and was adjudicated in the Civil War (FYI, the slavers lost).
CNN'S DON LEMON: If you don't agree with me you must be a bigot.
A TIME OF CHOOSING: Trump makes his case for reelection.

Read it all.
LIBERALS BELIEVE President Trump can predict the future.

Well, at least as far as the 2020 election is concerned, he can. But that's an easy prediction.
HEH: Rep. Elijah Cummings [D-MD] Baltimore home burglarized.
THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH ABOUT TRUMP — he’s doing what he said he would do.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Menacing invective against Trump creates a dangerous civil climate.

And Democrats call Republicans violent....