Tuesday, December 24, 2013

APOLLO 8 ASTRONAUT JAMES LOVELL marks the 1968 Christmas broadcast to Earth from the Moon's orbit.

Here's the original broadcast:

VIRGINIA SEN. MARK WARNER: A pseudo-moderate flirts with moderation.

I watched Sen. Warner as well; he was not impressive. I hope the Republicans challenge him next year.
The Obama admininstration announced late Tuesday that people unable to obtain coverage by midnight through Healthcare.gov might still be able to get insurance by Jan. 1. The announcement comes after the administration already pushed back the enrollment deadline by a day.

Minnesota, one of the states running their own insurance exchanges, extended its Monday deadline to Dec. 31 amid problems with its website and extra-long hold times to reach its help center. Maryland pushed back its cutoff date to Dec. 27. New York extended its deadline to midnight Tuesday.
The collapse continues....
WE SHOULD "BOLDLY STAY" WHERE NO ONE HAS STAYED BEFORE. Six Reasons NASA Should Build a Research Base on the Moon.
OBAMA'S AVERAGE YEAR: worse than last year; better than next year.
MORE EXAMPLES of the Democrats' vaunted 'tolerance'.
NO MORE: 21 Things those '80s Kids' Did. And the 70's kids. And the 60's kids. And....

But no more.
THE FINE PRINT FOR OBAMACARE: State can seize your assets to pay for care after you’re forced into Medicaid by Obamacare. Forfeiture; it's not just for seniors any more.
HEH: Pajama Boy, take 2,052. To paraphrase Dan Rather, it's fake but accurate.
IT'S ALL PAUL RYAN'S FAULT I demanded cuts in veterans' benefits.
HORRORS! Secondhand smoke won't kill you. Not a welcome message to the environmental left, but common sense usually triumphs in the end.
IT'S EASIER TO BE YOUNG & STUPID when you're not facing be forced into ObamaCare.