Sunday, November 29, 2020

THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION admit their numbers on COVID are off by a huge amount. Which is something I was posting about way, way back in March/April....
SO GIVE 'EM ALL FORTY ACRES AND A MULE: Agriculture Department too focused on white Midwestern states.

For those unfamiliar with my lede, here's some history.
DOES ANYONE SERIOUSLY THINK THEY'LL GIVE IT ALL AWAY? Trust fund kids disavow capitalism and vow to give away all their money.
GET READY FOR A FIGHT. And don't give an inch.
UNEXPECTEDLY, OF COURSE: People are pulling their kids out of public schools.
AMERICA IS OVER. It’s time to opt out.

No. That's the coward's way out -- it's time to fight back. Lawfare if we can, warfare if we must.
YES, ABSOLUTELY: Voters should have to pass a civics exam.

Based on the evidence I am seeing Biden cheated, I am not going to be satisfied if they simply overturn the results and Trump wins, as he should.

I won’t be happy until people go to jail.

It’s time for a justice system in America, or there won’t be an America much longer.
Comment pulled from this PowerLine post.
THERE ARE LANDSLIDES and there are landslides.

MORE: Showdown in Gettysburg.

The next Civil War has begun.
THE THANKSGIVING LOCKDOWN was supposed to be only for the peasants.
RISING TIDES LIFT ALL BOATS: Unless they're stuck in Democrat muck.
IT MAY BE A BIT LATE, but ... release the krakens moms!

My wife would approve.
I KNEW IT! TIME names Karen Person of the Year.

More seriously, here are some of the nominees for 2020.
THE LOCKDOWN LEMMINGS are political, not medical.

Of course they are -- it's always been about control.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Trump faces critical choice about his political future.

Well argued, but I'm not convinced it's an either/or choice.