Tuesday, October 22, 2013

IT'S NOT OBAMACARE; it's now SebeliusCare.
POWERLINE: Have Barack Obama and Eric Holder Caused an Increase in Mass Murder? The answer, I suspect, is 'yes', if only as a result of their frenzied -- amd irrational -- support of gun control legislation.
SENATE DEMOCRAT: On Second Thought, Let’s Delay Obamacare’s Enrollment Deadline. It's now time for the Republicans to say "No, you voted against it when we proposed it; now it's time for you to own it."
DEMOCRAT BLAMES PRIVATE SECTOR for ObamaCare’s wretched rollout. Henry Waxman illustrates the need to elect more retarded intellectually disabled people to Congress. They could earn a good living and likely do less damage.
HEH: New, improved ObamaCare now available on 35 floppy discs.
GOOD NEWS: Under ObamaCare, you don't have to pay the penalty if you can't afford to buy the insurance.
ATTENTION K-MART SHOPPERS: Buy Washington Post econo-blogger Ezra Klein a clue.
THE OBAMACARE WEB SITE is now up and running. Try it; you'll love the improved user interface.
YEAH, RIGHT. Death panels are a good thing. Unless you're the patient.
SOME SAY ObamaCare was the creation of Marxists. It was: Groucho, Chico, and Harpo.

With apologies to the Marx brothers: they were comedians.
THE NEW YORK TIMES' PAUL KRUGMAN gets soundly beaten about the head and shoulders. Bullies deserve to get beaten back.

Linked from Instapundit.


Linked from FreedomWorks.
ORWELLIAN: high school preaches population control to students. The phrase 'higher-order thinking skills' is just code for propaganda wrapped in a fuzzy blanket.
RAND PAUL: "[T]he American people, yet again, [get] the short end of the stick."
OBAMACARE: the 'unthinkable' is becoming thinkable.

UPDATE: not ObamaCare, VaporCare.