Monday, February 11, 2019

OUCH, that hurt.
TRUE LIES: Progressives bearing gifts.
Trump in 2020 might have controversially slurred his future Democratic rival as a socialist, radical late-term abortion advocate, open borders chauvinist, a Medicare destroyer who wished to make it free for everyone, or wacko environmentalist intent on banning gas and diesel engines.

Now he won’t have to.
The Democrats have already done it to themselves.
FROM TODAY'S DATE, BACK IN 2014: The Late, Great Manly Man. My takeaway then is more appropriate today than even I anticipated:
[I]n today’s world it pays to be a loser. After all, you get subsidies. You get sympathy. You can play the victim card.
Was I right? Or was I right?
ELECTION 2020: Don’t sleep on 'Spartacus'; "Booker is a world-class bullsh*tter."
THE VICTORY GIRLS ARE RIGHT: Democrats have proven that Trump is the adult in the room.
"IF YOU WANT TO AVOID GENOCIDE, you should probably avoid Democratic presidents by ... voting for Trump. Just sayin’ ...."

If you want to be a Democrat, as opposed to a Dimocrat, you might want to stay awake during history class.
MASSACHUSETTS SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN’S RUN FOR THE PRESIDENCY is going to be focused on restructuring the socio-economic system of the United States into one chock full of rules in hopes of hindering those with the most money from having more influence.

She's wrong; here's why.
Al Green (D[umb]-TX): Ralph Northam blackface scandal symptom of ‘Trump’s bigotry’.

Adam Schiff(D[umber]-CA): Trump seeking a tower in Moscow was a ‘form of collusion’.
I like Bugs' 'maroon' for 'moron' because it signifies something more than merely dumb.

*And no, that's not a misspelling.
ITALY honors President Trump:

"If Trump is worth half the money he claims, he’s already signing the paperwork to buy this and will have it installed in the Rose Garden before the week is out."
BEN STEIN: The proponents of socialism don’t care about helping people, they just envy people who are better off.
HEH. NANCY PELOSI exploits Judeo-Christian values to score political points. Nikki Haley makes her pay.
THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA strikes out (again).
DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS: Modern-day Jacobins trying to remodel America.
SAD, BUT TO BE EXPECTED IN A DEMOCRAT SANCTUARY: San Francisco has more drug users than high school students.
THE POST IS ACTUALLY ABOUT Jeff Bezos' Trump Derangement Syndrome, but it's the comments I found interesting:
I have, in the past, speculated that Trump was doing a rope-a-dope. His enemies have thrown anything and everything that they can find or manufacture at him. They are now disheartened, disorganized, and out of ammunition. They have started to eat their own. When the Meuller report fizzles it will mark the end of battlefield preparation.

Trump has swum with the sharks for a half century. He has friends in low places. Bezos is just the opening salvo.
Yep. People forget (or just don't realize) that he worked in one of the most corrupt cities in the world. Between city hall, the statehouse, all the various mobs and unions (I may be repeating myself there), lawyers, and so forth, he's been in a swamp his entire business life.

He knows what sharks look like.
Trump 'has friends in low places' translates to 'he knows how to fight like a Democrat'. That's not something the Democrats expect of a Republican.

I'd suggest that the Democrat sharks swimming in the D.C. swamp be wary of the great white shark....
WHY THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE? Federalism, for one, but more importantly, to protect the rights of the minority.
I'LL DRINK TO THAT: The Democrat party needs to be destroyed before it destroys the country.
VICTORY GIRLS peek into 2020:
More dirt than a pig pen: The Democratic frontrunners each have to contend with their own mud puddle. Kamala has her purported affair with a married Wille Brown, and the implied professional favoritism from their relationship. Kirsten Gillibrand has a convoluted taint of Clinton from her cozy relationship with Hillary and Bill (and a possible Hillary 2020 showdown). Elizabeth Warren is still struggling with her decades long battle as a “Native American.” Cory Booker has a tendency to play Wile E. Coyote and get stuck in his own traps. It won’t take too much for his “What’s Aleppo?” moment to crush him faster than a precariously balanced rock. Hope he’s wearing his Spartacus helmet.
Go read the whole thing.
YOUR FATHER'S DEAD, MEGHAN. LET HIM GO: Meghan McCain trashes Jared and Ivanka for accepting invitation to her father’s funeral.
A WORTHY READ: Dr. Judith Curry testifies on climate change and the need to act before the House Committee on Natural Resources.

It's a long statement (12 pages), and the good news is that you'll have plenty of time to read it - the world isn't going to die off in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's 12 years. I do wish the link included the Q&A that followed her statement.

The link is from this PowerLine post.