Thursday, September 29, 2011

SUPPORTING HERMAN CAIN is evidence of racism. Janeane Garafalo's mind is a steel trap ... shut tight.
GUN CRIME continues to decrease, despite an increase in gun sales. Despite? Or as a result of?
PROBLEM? OR OPPORTUNITY? SpaceX puts Falcon 1 on ice. Is the market actually soft, or has rocketry and satellite development reached the level of sophistication where "small-sat" launch services are no longer required?
PAUL GREENBERG: Where's the Tea Party?

Working quietly in the background.
FOX NEWS POLL: Majority says as a CEO, Obama would have been fired. This is a surprise?
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Why does the good life end?

Read it all. I would only add that when it ends, it will end with a whimper.
ORION COULD FLY with a crew aboard by 2016.
OBAMA: sign my jobs mobs bill.
USE YOUR FEET? Three ways to convert your toilet to hands-free flushing.
COURAGE TO FAIL: Is it time to let the economy collapse so that it can finally heal?
I DUNNO: cold turkey works for me.
BARACK OBAMA: the man who would be King.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON on modern-day class warfare.
ANOTHER FAILURE of 'progressive' education. Is it too far 'outside the box' to suggest that perhaps the cause of the students' emotional distress is the progressives' emphasis on social engineering?

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