Saturday, October 09, 2010

WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? Journalists are lazy, cowardly, dumb and corrupt.
GALLUP’S ASTONISHING NUMBERS and the Lake Superior congressional districts.
These ... numbers, if translated into popular votes in the 435 congressional districts, suggest huge gains for Republicans and a Republican House majority the likes of which we have not seen since the election cycles of 1946 or even 1928.
OBAMA’S TELEPROMPTERS ARE ‘IDIOT BOARDS;’ keep him from connecting with audiences. But he’s better with a teleprompter, so which idiot is which?
EVEN AFTER GIVING IT EVERYTHING THEY HAD, they still weren't able to draw as many people as Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally in August. Why not? Because the labor movement is shrinking, aging and divided.
ENTITLEMENT: Alaska’s establishmentarian Republican demands media not run Tea Party ads. The Tea Party responds (Link via Hot Air).
"DEMOCRACY" AT ITS FINEST: the Google bomb.

More here.
From the time of Woodrow Wilson, at least, the best and the brightest among us have been in constant search of ways to reinvent government to make it more citizen-centric, more citizen-friendly, more efficient, more rational, more empowering of citizens, more efficient, more management oriented, more transparent, more businesslike with more citizen engagement, more stakeholders and more new technologies, which the smarties believe will leverage government to achieve the greater good and the general welfare. Woodrow Wilson, call your office; Your Grand Government Delusion is alive and well among the smarty set, all empirical evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

Let me offer the counter hypothesis, one supported by a century of empirical evidence: A little bit more of this and a little bit more of that where government is concerned all adds up to nothing more than, well, more government, not better government—the Grand Delusion, not the grand solution. What the smart guys never seem to get is that the only good government is small government.
Read it all.