Friday, January 24, 2020

THE ORATOR IS AN IDIOT: The untalented Mr. Schiff and his unwatchable vanity.

The 'Deep State' is having convulsions now that Trump has called them out as the vain, imperious, incompetent bullies that they are. They know that their very existence (jobs, security, etc.) is at risk.
TO COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE, House GOP aims to help plant 1 trillion trees. Hell, there are days I think I have that many in my back yard....

If they personally planted the trees, I might find it worthwhile.
NOT A WINNING ARGUMENT: If you fail to impeach, you're guilty of treason.

Jerrold Nadler's an idiot, but we already knew that.
AND THIS GUY claims to be a journalist? Since when did (poor) satire become journalism? Oh, wait ... when (poor) actors became congresscritters?
RANDOM [IMPEACHMENT] THOUGHT [5]: The prosecution's (hopefully) final day has begun. Summary of the prosecution so far - "Orange Man Bad. Impeach Orange Man."

I don't expect it to change.
OH, BY THE WAY: Capitalism is ending poverty worldwide.

You could see the Left's shocked face if their bubble wasn't opaque....

I like Tapscott's final sentence "[E]ven more astonishing is how little notice this reality gets among Western elites," but that sentence would be even more accurate by deleting the single word 'this'.
ELIZABETH WARREN PROMISES that if elected president at most half of her Cabinet will be competent. The rest will be diversity decorations.
A WORD FROM SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM [R-SC]: “To my Democratic colleagues, you can say what you want about me, but I’m covering up nothing. I’m exposing your hatred of the president.”
MORNING GREATNESS: Welcome to the impeachment thunderdome.
I wonder what the ratings were for yesterday’s trial. Will people who were not persuaded by the much ballyhooed House clown show now come over to the Democrats way of thinking? I am not sure so but the purpose isn’t just about persuasion: the Democrats want to damage vulnerable GOP Senators and get some more witnesses so they can keep “hunting” for damning evidence against Trump. This isn’t about “protecting the constitution” it’s simply another political tactic to get rid of the president and amass more power. If there is one thing painfully obvious about the Democrats that Trump’s election has laid bare: Democrats will use their power to undermine the will of the people if it isn’t to their liking.
Now go check out Liz Sheld's other links.