Tuesday, October 27, 2020

WUHAN FLU [CORONAVIRUS] UPDATE for October 27, 2020:
Still not much changed from October 23rd. Daily deaths have stabilized a bit higher, now right around 800 for the last 4 days. The percentage of positive tests remains at 7% and the survival rate remains at 99.8% of confirmed cases tests. The October average number of coronavirus tests performed daily remains about 1-1.2 million.

I've seen media hysteria the last couple of days about coronavirus 'spikes' and the possible need for more lockdowns. That is utter nonsense. Here is a chart that shows data is from the 15th of March through today, showing total U.S. tests (red), confirmed cases from those tests (blue), and deaths (green). The vertical axis is logarithmic.
The steep initial rise is the early peak, combined with rapidly increasing testing. In early May, however, testing reached over 500,000/day, and began rising slowly to something just less than 1,000,000 daily today. Since early May confirmed cases are slowly becoming a smaller and smaller proportion of the total, and deaths much smaller yet.

Georgia cases are showing the same trend. Confirmed cases are rising as testing increases, but the severity is declining. Just looking at October, daily confirmed cases are up 30% from October 1st; daily deaths are down 29%; and hospitalizations are only up 3%.
WHY WOKE HISTORY is not the answer.
IN THE DEMOCRATS’ LEXICON, “rule of law,” like “democracy” means “our untrammeled power.”
THE BIG TRUMP RALLIES you're not allowed to see.
CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL: Six reasons why Leftists love masks.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Anyone who doesn't believe Medicare is a health insurance company 'cash cow' hasn't been watching television advertisements.
AFTER THANKSGIVING BANNED, Californians to hold turkey barbecues in honor of Black Lives Matter on November 26.