Wednesday, March 18, 2020

'Social distancing' could have a devastating effect on people.

Stop it with the coronavirus curfews already.

The remedy may be worse than the disease.
All of this is obvious unless you're a clueless liberal.
OUT OF WHOSE POCKET? Maxine Waters says during coronavirus outbreak adults should get $2G per month, children $1G per month.

She wins the Maroon of the Month award.
YES, MOM, the CDC is part of the Deep State too.
THEY'LL PROBABLY ALL GET SMARTER NOW: More than 6.1 million California students might not be going back to school before summer.

Not likely, but I'd rather have them dumb than indoctrinated. Dumb, they're teachable....
CDC RECOMMENDS limiting gatherings to 50 people for the next 2 months.

Question: If I go to any mass gathering (political rally, athletic game, etc.), how many people am I likely to encounter within that 'social distance' exclusion zone (excluding passers-by)? More than 50? Unlikely, based on past experience.

MORE NEWS FROM THE MORON STATE: San Francisco area cannabis stores exempt from Wuhan flu lockdown.

If you ever want to know what not to do, just look to California for advice.
AND THE NEXT TIME? More of this nonsense?

It's a fat chance, but maybe next time (if there is a next time) you'll listen to us old geezers who've been there and done that.
FIRST THEY CAME FOR SENIORS: Gunnison County [CO] bans restaurants & bars from serving people 60 and older to slow coronavirus spread.

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase 'killing them with kindness', doesn't it?
RANDOM THOUGHT: Have you noticed that 'woke' America seems to be the most affected by the Moron Wuhan flu?
CORONAVIRUS WAS MISNAMED. Because that's who we're governed by (click through; you'll get it).
JUST SAY NO to more government power in this pandemic.
Let’s not give the government more power to dictate our lives, even during a pandemic. Common sense isn’t a government-forced lockdown of life. It is reducing regulations so companies can get a vaccine out quicker to the general populace and not telling private labs to stop testing if they have found a way to detect the virus.
What works is not more government; it is less government. Especially less regulation.

I can't decide whether they're sad, or funny. Make your own decisions.