Monday, December 03, 2012

DRONES FOR JOURNALISTS: I like to think of them as opportunities for target practice.
WANT TO SELL INSURANCE on the Obamacare exchanges? There’s a (3.5%) fee for that. Guess who's going to pay the 'fee'? You bet -- the poor sucker who's been forced onto an ObamaCare exchange. Guess who's going to get the 'fee'? Right again -- some ObamaCare bureaucrat.
ONE DEDUCTION worth breaking the anti-tax pledge over. Let the blue-staters squeal....
MORNING EXAMINER: Obama’s alternative history.
THE HUFFINGTON POST attacks Walmart for dumping their employees into Obamacare. It doesn't seem to occur that the 'dumping' is a direct result of ObamaCare.
WOULD YOU BUY a 'turbo encabulator' from this man?
ROGER KIMBALL: Why Kafka Would Like FEMA. Roger explains (nicely, of course) why I 1) would never leave my home in the first place; 2) do all the repair/renovation myself; and 3) bar the door to any government agency.
THEY'RE SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS, not stupid business owners.
LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT OBAMA: the full impact of taxing the rich.

DID WE HAVE A DIVORCE or an election? Divorce, I think.
DAN MITCHELL: The Sadistic Brutality of England’s Government-Run Healthcare. Read it and weep.
IF THE US GOVERNMENT had won the latest Powerball jackpot, it would have been spent in just over an hour.
A REAGAN FORUM with Newt Gingrich.

It's long, but the transcript is at the link above.