Sunday, April 21, 2013

YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT YET, but ObamaCare made first contact with your wallet on April 15th.
GABRIELLE GIFFORDS: A Senate in the Gun Lobby’s Grip. To put it bluntly, bull. To imply, as Giffords has, that NRA members (of which I am one) are somehow indifferent to the deaths at Sandy Hook is borderline libel, and to argue that any of the 'gun control' measures rejected by the Senate would have made any difference is utterly ridiculous. Not one of the mass shootings Giffords mentions -- Newtown, Aurora, or Blacksburg -- would have been prevented by any of the measures before the Senate. The shooters is all three cases were terminally nuts, and mental health was not included in any significant way in any of the measures the Senate rejected.

Had armed citizens been present, on the other hand, the above massacres might not have happened.
GETTING GREENER: Here's todays update on the spring 'greening'.

Last week's update is here.
INSTAPUNDIT: "A fish rots from the head." Follow the link.
THE 'NEW NORMAL': the inevitable result of electing fools to leadership.
USEFUL IDIOTS. Methinks 'useless' would be a better descriptor....