Thursday, July 31, 2014

MSNBC ASKS THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: Is the world suffering from lack of racial diversity in emoticons?

Does anyone care?
WE NEVER TRIED TO IMPEACH BUSH says Democratic lawmaker who a co-sponsored Bush impeachment bill. Of course the Democratic 'lawmaker' was Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) who can be forgiven because she doesn't have a brain.
TAKE THIS, you Obama tweenies.
DNC CHAIR Debbie Wasserman Schultz: "Obama does his job less often than any other President." But it's the Republicans' fault....
I WISH I could say I didn't believe this, but ... it's Sheila Jackson Lee.
BUT THEY’RE COMPETENT TO RUN THE ENTIRE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM: Government investigation finds massive mismanagement wasted millions in botched rollout.

Of course. Managing one-sixth of the economy is not nearly as difficult as creating a website....
THE SCOREKEEPER on why Sandra Fluke could not afford $9/month birth control (#8): "It's hard to get change from a $100,000 bill."
If you want to see the end result of Obama's plans and programs, look at Zimbabwe. Under Mugabe it has gone from a food exporter to having a population on the verge of starvation. Winston Churchill said that the pity of capitalism was the unequal distribution of wealth, but that the pity of communism was the equal distribution of poverty.
From the comments following this post. The post itself was about how the energy costs of the new EPA coal rules will 'devastate' seniors, but that argument is somewhat disingenuous; the rules will hurt almost everyone living on fixed incomes.
SEEMS SORT OF OBVIOUS TO ME: “Internet of things” looking more like an internet of targets.
HEH: Vegetables more likely to make you sick than beef.
IT'S CALLED 'WELFARE': Obama says he wants to lower the retirement age a whole lot. "Just what you might expect from a man who treats the hardest job in the world as if it’s just an opportunity to spend a third of his time playing golf and going to parties."
TOO MUCH PACIFISM can get you killed.
PUNCHING BACK: "You know what makes a plane missile-proof? Nasty and near-certain consequences for anyone who shoots it down."
AS CALIFORNIA GOES, so goes the nation: Californians paid up to 88 percent more for individual health insurance this year than last. But that's okay, because subsidies.

The little teensy overlooked detail is that the 'subsidies' are paid out of the taxpayers' other pocket.
WHY WILLIE NELSON would be a great governor for the new state of Central Texas. I know a number of current and former Texans (including me) who would be happy to see Austin fenced off from the rest of the state....
SMARTER THAN THOU: Neil deGrasse Tyson and America’s nerd problem.
One part insecure hipsterism, one part unwarranted condescension, the two defining characteristics of self-professed nerds are (a) the belief that one can discover all of the secrets of human experience through differential equations and (b) the unlovely tendency to presume themselves to be smarter than everybody else in the world.

Prominent examples include MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry, Rachel Maddow, Steve Kornacki, and Chris Hayes; Vox’s Ezra Klein, Dylan Matthews, and Matt Yglesias; the sabermetrician Nate Silver; the economist Paul Krugman; the atheist Richard Dawkins; former vice president Al Gore; celebrity scientist Bill Nye; and, really, anybody who conforms to the Left’s social and moral precepts while wearing glasses and babbling about statistics.
Ouch. Read it all.
UNFORTUNATELY there's no 'human nature' in the Liberals' reality world.