Tuesday, December 03, 2019

ELIZABETH WARREN promises to abolish the Electoral College if elected. Um, Elizabeth, that requires a constitutional amendment. not just a Presidential pen and a phone.

Pander. Pander. Pander. That's all they do.
GOOD NEWS for America (and President Trump).

Now if the 'news' media would just report it....
YOU WANT US TO TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY? Pay the bills, support a family, then we’ll talk.

Until then, get off my lawn.
ADAM SCHIFF, ring master and pretentious potentate of the Congressional Circus of quasi-Impeachment hearings is being quietly promoted for higher office.

Los Angeles does need a Pied Piper.
THE INEVITABLE BREAKUP of the American Left.
SARAH HOYT WARNS: "You won’t like us when we’re angry."
MICHAEL BLOOMBERG surges past Kamala Harris in Democratic primary poll. It's a bar so low he could easily hop over.

OBE: Kamala withdraws.
LIFE IN THE URBAN BUBBLE: I lost my girlfriend in a Hallmark movie.

I prefer Hallmark movies. Obviously so did she....
IF YOU WANT TO BE TRACKED 24/7, buy a Tesla.
LIBERAL ANGER at Whole Foods takes a hilarious turn.

If liberals boycott Whole Foods, where are they going to find their responsibly sourced, organically grown kale? WalMart? Dollar Store?

They would be well-advised to think before punching their 'rage' button. Of course, thinking is not their strong suit, if in fact they have something to think with.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: How America’s students need to get ‘woke’. I think 'unwoke' is a better term, but enough said - read it all.
YESTERDAY'S WEREN'T FIT TO LEAD IN THE 20TH CENTURY EITHER: Today’s Yale grads aren’t qualified to lead in the 21st Century.
SEEN ONLINE: Kaepernick is the reason there are instructions on shampoo bottles.
