Saturday, October 12, 2024

EXPLAINING WHY GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE PUT ON A STRICT DIET: Government employees exceed the population of Florida.

According to Census Bureau data, Florida is the third most populous state.
ONLY AFTER THEY'VE GIVEN UP ALL THEIR WEAPONS: Hezbollah wants a ceasefire now.
WELL PAST ITS DUE DATE: U.S. considers Google breakup in landmark search case.
WELL, WHO DID YOU VOTE FOR? UCLA professor says $70,000 salary has left him homeless.

I'm not a betting person, but if I were, I'd bet his voting records all showed D's.
ISRAEL TO IRAN: take out your Hezbollah terrorists -- or we will.
WHY I AVOID THE CLOUD: Sexbots? In my cloud stack?
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about the Federal Emegency Management Agency (and the Harris-Biden administration).
FEMINIST LAW PROFESSOR will vote Republican after experiencing the ultimate betrayal by Democrats.

When hit multiple times with a sledgehammer, even concrete begins to crack....
AN OCTOBER 7TH ANNIVERSARY REMINDER: longer, link-filled, and eminently worthy.
WE’RE NOT LED BY THE BEST: Wretchard is on a roll today.

Linked from this Instapundit post.
OUR WORTHLESS RULING CLASS: Wretchard the Cat tweets.
AND YOU CAN THANK ELON MUSK: Hillary Clinton lets the cat out of bag on Democrats and controlling speech.

Someone should cut her chardonnay rations....
JUST ANOTHER ACADEMIA FAIL: Stop sending humans into space — it’s ‘imperialist.’
GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS? Donald Trump has agreed to an upcoming town hall with Fox News.

Overall I think it's good news, since a town hall format has an in-person audience, one in which Trump thrives.
CANADA'S CONSERVATIVE PARTY LEADER: We could use a man like him.

Trump, possibly? Certainly no Democrat I'm aware of.
NOT EXACTLY A SURPRISE: The deep state is gunning for Elon Musk.

And shooting blanks....
THE NEW YORK TIMES: We should abandon the idea of masculinity.

Better to abandon the idea that the NYT is relevant.
NOT A SURPRISE: New poll suggests Kamala totally committed political suicide.
KAMALA HARRIS sends out Tim Walz to talk man-stuff to men about being manly.

UPDATE from The Drunk Republican and linked from this Instapundit post.
OUR DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AT WORK suing Virginia for daring to do its job on election integrity.