Thursday, October 31, 2013

TIME FLIES: From five years ago this month.

For your viewing enjoyment.
WOW: Total number of ObamaCare website enrollments on launch day was ... six people.

At that enrollment rate, they'll reach 1 million enrollees in only 456 years and 7 months.
OBAMA'S PROMISE: If you I like your plan, you can keep it.

"IF YOU LIKE YOUR HEALTH-CARE PLAN, you can keep your healthcare plan. Period” . . . unless it’s 'inadequate'.
HOW THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION made sure you cannot keep your health 'insurance' plan.
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane. I think Investors Business Daily cartoonist Michael Ramirez was the first to recognize that President Obama has nothing between his ears.

THE OTHER FALLOUT FROM FUKUSHIMA: Carbon emissions rise as nuclear plants are shuttered. The Greenies can't win....
POWERLINE: ObamaCare has made cheap affordable health insurance illegal.
DO YOU KNOW what developers call a website that takes three-and-a-half years to create? A failure.

STICKER SHOCK: Insurers backing out of the ObamaCare exchange markets. And by reducing competition, in 2015 the shock will be worse.
OBAMACARE'S 'RATE SHOCK': You’ll pay more for less, and you’ll like it!
MOVIN' ON: New York-based American Tactical Imports moves to South Carolina.
OBAMACARE: the big thinkers forgot to bring in the big doers. That's the problem with progressives generally; the thought is taken for the deed. Action not required.
THE NEW MEANING of 'trick or treat'.
A MORALITY PLAY: The Arithmetic Absurdity of ObamaCare. And I'm like George, who only wants the "$2 life insurance policy he had before Mayor Barry was elected, but he can’t get that any more."
KRAUTHAMMER AGREES: I've long said that the 'reality-based community' lives in an altrnate world where the thought is taken for the deed. Here's Charles Krauthammer saying exactly the same thing about President Obama.
REP. CHARLIE RANGEL (D-NY) falsely claims no Republicans voted for Social Security. Rangel is the archetype for a ZIP (zero-information politician).
OBAMA IS breaking his ‘if you like your healthcare you can keep it’ promise because he wants to.
PRUDEN ON POLITICS: It’s not arrogance, just stupidity. It's one thing to be arrogant, another to be stupid, but to be both arrogant and stupid takes an unpreceded degree of chutzpah.

I'm reminded of the Ford Focus 'and is better' commercial that's been airing on television recently. In Obama's case, 'and' is worse -- much, much worse.
SHOCKED! Shocked, I say. How can this be? I read your script for you.
LEED CERTIFICATION doesn't guarantee a 'green building.' In fact, the way to bet is just the opposite.
IS THE NSA eavesdropping on President Obama? Personally, I would suspect the opposite....