Sunday, December 27, 2020

'EXPERTS' OBLIVIOUS TO THE OBVIOUS: Study finds evidence of lasting immunity after mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 infection.

Note that the higher up the food chain the 'expert' moves, the more reality must bend to
his/her/(its) wishes....
COULD IT BE because people who can shoot back are a little harder to intimidate? New York City approving barely 10% of new gun permits.
THE COUNTERREVOLUTION BEGINS: There are some signs of active resistance starting to occur.
NOT MY GOP: Are 'Never Trumpers' the future of the GOP?
SEE THE NEW YORK TIMES' SHOCKED FACE: Big Technology censors progressives, too. When it interferes with their making money.
NOR MINE: Joe Biden will never be my President.
YOU CAN'T 'EXTRACT' WHAT AIN'T THERE: Wealth extraction in San Francisco.

I left permanently almost exactly 20 years ago, so you can't tax my wealth either. And personally I don't worry (too much) that the current émigrés will want to bring the California culture with them -- especially if you try to continue to tax them after they leave.
POWERLINE'S Geek in Pictures. Always a worthy read to find out what the fakestream media isn't telling you, and this one (last line) is particularly interesting.
Now go see the rest to see what you should know, but haven't been told.
WANTED: Warrior warriors; not social-justice warriors.

Pointy-end-of-the-spear warriors, not keyboard warriors....
OF COURSE there was no Democrat ballot fraud.
