Wednesday, November 28, 2012

FOX NEWS: The Senate mulls adding new protections for digital communications (i.e., email). Frankly, I'd prefer new protections for my income.
BRUCE BIALOSKY: Selective Thoughts.

I find it interesting that he chose to have his son attend college in Kansas. Five years earlier, I had made the same decision not to allow my daughter to attend a California institution of higher lower education. She went to the University of Nebraska instead.
WE'RE RUNNING OUT of income to tax, so how about a 'wealth' tax?

'Social justice' demands that everyone be poor....
VIRGINIA GUN SALES UP; crime is down. But never mind that; it's because Obama started running for President in 2006.

Only the media is baffled by the notion that more guns lead to less crime (linked from Instapundit).

From my email. My source sends this as well: "Owners of 2 shops here in California that I rent consignment space from say this will probably do them in too as they are barely able to squeak by as it is. Expect many more will follow."
HELP WANTED: World War II Code Crackers.
JEFF JACOBY: "Overregulation is no substitute for choice and competition. Not even when it comes to health." Regulators (I mean you, Mr. Krugman) fear an informed consumer.
LET'S REIN IN THE FOOD POLICE and get real about nutrition information.

Never mind the economic argument, important though it is, and ask the obvious question: how many real people (that is, those who live outside the fevered imaginations of the food police) ever pay any attention to the calorie information on the menus and menu boards? I eat out fairly often, and I've never seen anyone do more than glance at it.
IF I CAN'T HAVE A 'HOLIDAY TREE' there will be no tree. Bravo to Rhode Island State Rip. Doreen Costa -- it is well past the time that these political correctocrats be told to sit down, shut up, and pound sand.
UM, SO WHERE DID THE DNA COME FROM? 'Bigfoot' is part human, DNA study claims.
HEH: the wages of ObamaCare. Use the 'Previous' button to scroll back for more.