Friday, February 08, 2013

EAT LESS, the government tells its people. No, it's not the U.S. -- yet.
JOHN RANSOM: The Best Recession in History.
WHY YOU might want an AR-15. Or even something a bit heftier.
"AFTER NEWS BROKE ABOUT OBAMA'S PLAN TO VISIT ISRAEL, one of my friends shook his head, took out his smartphone and pressed a button. From the tiny speaker came Frank Sinatra singing 'Send in the Clowns'."

Read it all.
MIRROR, MIRROR, ON THE WALL, which state has the biggest welfare benefits of all? Read the comments.
THOUGHTFUL UNION trying to ‘protect’ its members from right to work. At a 'modest' price....
SURPRISE: The government is neither omniscient nor benevolent:
The political class is incorrigible because it is composed of — let us say the worst — human beings. They respond to incentives of self-interest. Their acquisitiveness is not for money but for the currency of power, which they act to retain and enlarge. This class can be constrained, if at all, not by exhorting them to become disinterested but by binding them with a constitutional amendment.
Read it all.
GREEN CHEMISTRY: Because it's easier to regulate. (And, of course, because the opportunities for political graft and corruption are greater.)
HOW ABOUT we call them 'future Democrats'? I don't quite know how to describe Conyers' attitude. Dumb? Certainly, but the word isn't strong enough. Pandering? Absolutely, but still not strong enough. Obscene? Better, but still not harsh enough. I having a hard time finding the word or words to describe my utter disgust for Rep. Conyers' attitude.
THE OPPOSITE of the civil rights movement. The article I've linked to is an argument in favor of heterosexual marriage, but it's worth reading for this one simple observation about education:
The SAT no longer requires students to demonstrate aptitude in reasoning through this vital cognitive exercise — unfortunate because so many Americans find it difficult to recognize false analogies. And no group has exploited this deficiency more than politicians.
Read it all.
WILD WEST SHOOTOUT: As a former resident of both states, my money is on Texas (well, excluding Austin).
IT'S EASIER to regulate than repair. More profitable, too. Plenty of opportunities for greed and corruption.
CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATS try hiking the cost of gun ownership. "Women and minorities will be the hardest hit, but the Democrats don’t care.... Pricing people out of gun ownership, followed by confiscation, is the ultimate goal."
SOME THOUGHTS on the new McCarthyism.
YES, LET'S SUPPORT Republicans most likely to become Democrats. More realistically, it's a call to support Republicans most likely to not upset the political class's applecart.