Thursday, December 03, 2020

OVERUSED, BUT 'UNEXPECTEDLY': Americans flocked to gun stores on Black Friday.
NO WAY IN HELL! Delusional never-Trump losers think we’re going to take them back.

Real elephants have long memories....
#RESIST! NO, #REVENGE! GOP group rolls out 'Biden Accountability Initiative' to counter incoming administration.
SUBJECTS, IF THE DEMOCRATS GET THEIR WAY. Will we be citizens or subjects?
SARAH HOYT: Point and make duck noises.

Read it all.
AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Suddenly” Edition.

Read it. And act on it.
NO! CDC says to stay home for Christmas.
WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO DONALD TRUMP IN THE 2020 ELECTION: Money. Lots of it. Used to build structural bias into the core Blue-state urban electoral processes.

Read it all, then go to your state legislatures and demand one-day voting, on paper ballots, with proper photo identification.

Or kiss America as we know it goodbye....
'MISSING CONTEXT': USA Today's excuse for it's inability to 'fact-check' the truth.
A MESSAGE FOR OUR GOVERNMENT PANJANDRUMS: Risk is personal, not political. Mind your own business, not mine.

Linked from Instapundit.
THIS IS INTERESTING: Project Veritas has been listening in on internal CNN calls for months.

PowerLine has posted a few of the first releases.

CNN is not amused.

But I am.
TRUMP’S MICHAEL FLYNN PARDON: Justice was not served.

Too little, too late.
WELL, IT'S ONE WAY TO ENFORCE A PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN: D.C. Metro will eliminate weekend service and close 19 stations.
INSANITY WRAP: The madness continues.
BATTLESWARM BLOG: Election fraud update (December 1, 2020).

Long, but worthwhile for all the detail. I don't think you can read it without being convinced the fraud was real and massive.
UNEXPECTEDLY: Violent carjackings spike in Minneapolis.

Because they can....
TRUMP'S OPTIONS: hard choices.
CNN'S OLIVER DARCY CALLS FOR CENSORSHIP; Jonathon Turley calls him out. Here's the gist:
[M]edia outlets like CNN are openly calling for the suppression of legitimate political stories/speech they think the public shouldn’t see – simply because those stories do not jive with the political narratives they’re trying to push. That’s the equivalent of state-run TV, not journalism. That’s not freedom of the press; that’s subjugation by the press.
Today's mainstream journalism isn't your father's journalism....
EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING: If When cable news dies, it'll be Trump's fault.
TODAY'S LONG READ: Today's Left is the same as yesterday's Left -- irredeemably destructive and dishonest.
[T]he “social justice” radicals ... call themselves progressives but are actually reactionaries. They call themselves liberals but are actually bigots. They say they’re for peace when they are organized for war. It is always the same war: to bring down the United States of America.
Read it all.