Monday, October 14, 2019

IT’S COLUMBUS DAY, not Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Read and enjoy the sounds of the 'woke' wailing, sobbing, and gnashing their teeth - the sounds of hypocrisy.
THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR: Impeachment is about putting down the peasants’ revolt.
Trump’s supporters aren’t as dumb as their “betters” clearly believe them to be. They know the Washington establishment is out to get the president in order to disfranchise the 63 million “deplorables” who voted him into office for the purpose of effecting genuine change in the way things are done inside the Beltway. Trump’s supporters know the Democrats hate him because, despite the incessant harassment to which he and his administration have been subjected, he has fulfilled most of his campaign promises. They know Trump’s impeachment is really an attempt to suppress what Beltway insiders regard as a peasants’ revolt against the proper order of things.
ELECTRIC-CAR OWNERS shocked by California blackouts.
Weeks can be a long wait if you’re looking at a Model 3 in your garage with a drained battery, no electrical power to charge it, and the closest grocery store with power 80 miles away. But such is life in the Golden State, where forests and chaparral are all on hair triggers ready to ignite with slightest transformer malfunction or transmission line break.

So if you're a Californian who bought an electric car to save the environment, now you can't drive it because of the risk to the environment.
Heh. In the dark with no way to go....
STATES ARE CUTTING UNIVERSITY BUDGETS. Taxpayers aren’t interested in funding campus kooks.

About time.
THE DIPLOMAD 2.0: Politics of, by, and for the Seriously Disturbed.
ELIZABETH WARREN is a threat to the Constitution.

National Review's [14 Oct] dead-tree edition has an excellent series of articles ("She's got a wretched plan for that") on Warren's plans for payday loans, wealth taxes, child care, fracking ban, student-debt cancellation, corporate regulation, etc.

I can only hope they'll post the articles online soon.
CALIFORNIA RETURNS TO SOCIALISM: PG&E cuts power to millions to save California from wildfires.

Random thought - on the other hand, all those forest wildfires are efficiently clearing the land for the solar panels needed to fuel their Teslas.

Having your cake and eating it too isn't as good when the cake is fruitcake...
FROM POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures, here's my favorite this week:

Now go see the rest.