Thursday, July 16, 2020

AND EVERY CUSTOMER HAS THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM: Walmart, and every private business, reserves the right to make customers wear a mask.

I have many other options; I'll simply quit doing business with them until the silly ban is lifted. And probably afterward.

My real question is "Why now? Why have you waited until the pandemic is over? Which it is." I strongly suspect it's merely virtue-signaling to their peers and the Karens of the world.
NO. JUST NO. Florida cities want power to impose local gun laws.
THE DIPLOMAD: So much progressive fakery.
SO BENDING THE KNEE DIDN'T WORK? NYPD Chief who knelt with protesters ends up violently assaulted by the mob.

Who would have guessed?
SO QUARANTINE NORTHERNERS: CDC chief says Northerners heading South for vacation may be to blame for surge in coronavirus cases, not state reopenings.

And while we're at it, quarantine 'experts'.
FEATHERING HER OWN NEST: Ilhan Omar’s payments to husband’s firm hit $1 million in 2020 cycle.
THANK YOU, GOV. KEMP: Georgia governor bans cities, counties from mandating masks.
IF THE EXPERTS HADN’T BEEN REPEATEDLY DISHONEST AND WRONG, maybe the public wouldn’t have tuned them out.

But, but ... they're experts! They know everything. And they're virtuous. They have only your best interests at heart....

CANCEL CULTURE punishes Goya Foods over pro-Trump remarks.

Oh? More here.
AS EXPECTED: 'Defund the Police' is backfiring against the Left.