Saturday, October 20, 2018

OH, MY: Two convicted Democrats seek political office while behind bars.

Did I just note that the Democrats have morphed from the Insane party to the Criminally Insane party? Why, yes. Yes I did.
IT'S THAT DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD THINGY: Video shows angry protesters hurl expletives at Nancy Pelosi during campaign stop.

Democrats were warned: "You're not going to like your new rules when they're applied to you."
THIS PHOTO of  'God watching' made the rounds of the internet the other day.

He looks horrified....
YOU EXPECTED SOMETHING DIFFERENT? Poverty in the U.S. was plummeting — until Lyndon Johnson declared war on it.

Link courtesy of Instapundit.
AMMO GRRRLL ON SOCIAL MEDIA: There is nothing social about it.
A GREAT IDEA: declare San Francisco a critical habitat for grizzly bears.

Except that no self-respecting bear would take a shit in the streets of San Francisco....
MORE ON Elizabeth Warren's DNA 'vindication'. It looks to me like the 'one drop rule' Democrats formerly used to exclude blacks is now used by Democrats to include Native Americans.

That said, does President Trump owe money to Warren’s favorite charity? I agree with Ben Shapiro: donate 1/1024th of $1 million — a little less than $1,000 — and call it a day.
JOBS, NOT MOBS: Once again President Trump has encapsulated the different aspirations of the two political parties.
RANDOM THOUGHT: The Democrat party has morphed from the Insane party to the Criminally Insane party.