Monday, October 07, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: the latest on the Mount Rushmore National Monument closure.
MORE LOSERS THAN WINNERS: Obamacare's winners and losers in the Bay Area.

Instapundit (and his commenters) are having a hearty laugh. Best comment: "Clearly Vinson didn't understand that he ... was just a source of other people's money."
MICHAEL GOODWIN: Move over Jimmy Carter, Obama has my vote for worst president -- ever. A little late, but welcome aboard, the train's filling up.
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Britain shows what ObamaCare means for U.S. The Liverpool Care Pathway (Alan Grayson Pathway?) is not my idea of healthcare, but death panels are inevitable once ObamaCare is underway.
OBAMA: America's Commander-in-Cheap.

Only when it comes to the one duty the federal government is truly, constitutionally responsible for.
BECAUSE IT'S LED by a petty, vindictive, wannabe dictator: Why reporters fear Team Obama.
PRES'ENT BARACKADE doesn't appear to be faring well:

Yes, he got a bump up when the 'shutdown' began, but when the 'barackades' began to appear....
MORE SHUTDOWN SLOWDOWN THEATER: "According to KTNV in Nevada, Joyce Spencer, 77, and her husband Ralph, 80, were told to leave their home last week because it sits on federal land. The couple reportedly has owned the home since the 1970s, but were given 24 hours to get out last week."

I hope Pres'ent Barackade tries that with the homeowners who live within the Manassas Battlefield park. They're wealthy -- and connected.
1 WEIRD TRICK. Best comment: "Reality is hard, and the internet preys on the stupid."
REMINDER: the 'thought police' haven't gone away.

ONCE A SLAVE, ALWAYS A SLAVE: Big Labor blocking workers from using new right-to-work laws.
IKEA Job Interview:

As the quality of the collegiate experience continues to decline, I expect to see more and more of these kinds of interviews.
AEROSCRAFT makes first 'flight' [video]. I posted about the Aeroscraft earlier here.
DANGEROUS INCOMPETENCE? Newt Gingrich wrote this in the aftermath of the Navy Yard shooting, and it illustrates a larger point as we enter the Age of Aquarius ObamaCare: As the government collects more and more of our personal data, it's not privacy we need to worry about. It's not incompetence we need to worry about.

It's malice.
"WELL, DUH!” Feral cats do more good than harm for wildlife. Two thoughts. One, it's not just feral cats; domestic cats are just as productive. Two, in modern times a Ph.D. is little more that a 'ticket punch' enroute to a lifetime sinecure as a government grantee.
OBAMACARE: one size fleeces all.

Just remember: you had to pass it to find out what's in it find out how bad it is.