Friday, April 19, 2013

VERY UNLIKELY. Keep clicking the 'previous' button for more.
WHAT NONSENSE: Jet Propulsion Laboratory suspends June open house, cites sequestration. For a two (weekend) day event? Following a budget cut of 2 cents on the dollar? Oh, come now.
3-D PRINTING: first it was guns; now it's cars.

The first portable telephone call.
MONA CHAREN: Obama Doesn't Care About Dead Children. No, he doesn't. He cares about Obama, control, and ... Obama.
NORTH KOREAN CARRIER GROUP departs to attack California & Hawaii....

From my email. I'm somewhat reminded of The Mouse that Roared.
'BIG GOVERNMENT' immigration policy: a step in the wrong direction.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Postmodern Prudes. I would call it hypocrisy, but hypocrisy presupposes some modest degree of self-awareness, which simply does not exist in the liberal mind. Rather I think it is simply childishness, a total unawareness that actions have consequences.