Friday, December 28, 2018

THERE'S BEEN ANOTHER DELAY in the global warming apocalypse.
WITH ART LIKE THIS, who needs the National Endowment for the Arts?
POWERFUL MOMENT – Member of United States Army told the President he came back into the military because of him. And President Trump responded “And I am here because of you.”

More here.
OH, MY: We're running out of wind.

Put wind turbines in Democrat strongholds - with all that hot air, there ought to be plenty of wind energy.
THE ANSWER IS YES: Did the New York Times just suggest we treat gun owners as terrorists?
THE EXODUS of New York City’s endangered middle class.
One sector doing a booming “business” is food pantries. Despite a city unemployment rate of 4 percent, New York food pantries report elevated levels of demand, especially during the holiday season.

More than 1 million New Yorkers now worry they won’t have enough food for their families.
And they're the middle class.
DEMOCRATS AT WAR with century-old firearm technology.

Hell, they're at war with anyone who disagrees with them about anything.
THEY CAN'T HELP MAKING FOOLS OF THEMSELVES: Melania Trump gets mocked for wearing Timberland boots while visiting troops in Afghanistan.
MORE GOOD GUYS with guns.